Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes
Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes
花几分钟,从 { -brand-name-chrome } 迁移到 { -brand-name-firefox }
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
从其他浏览器切换到 { -brand-name-firefox } 简单、快捷、没有风险。{ -brand-name-firefox } 可以从 { -brand-name-chrome } 导入您的书签、密码和首选项等数据。
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
从 { -brand-name-chrome } 等其他浏览器迁移到 { -brand-name-firefox } 非常简单,完全自动。{ -brand-name-firefox } 可以从其他浏览器导入您的书签、表单填写资料、密码、偏好设置等数据,不丢信息就能把主力浏览器换成 { -brand-name-firefox } 。
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
从其他浏览器切换到 { -brand-name-firefox } 简单、快捷、没有风险。{ -brand-name-firefox } 可以从 { -brand-name-chrome } 导入您的书签、密码和首选项等数据。
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
从 { -brand-name-chrome } 等其他浏览器迁移到 { -brand-name-firefox } 非常简单,完全自动。{ -brand-name-firefox } 可以从其他浏览器导入您的书签、表单填写资料、密码、偏好设置等数据,不丢信息就能把主力浏览器换成 { -brand-name-firefox } 。
Select what to take from { -brand-name-chrome }.
选择从 { -brand-name-chrome } 导入哪些信息。
Let { -brand-name-firefox } do the rest.
剩下就交给 { -brand-name-firefox }。
You can use { -brand-name-firefox } and still have { -brand-name-chrome }. { -brand-name-chrome } won’t change on your machine one bit.
迁移数据到 { -brand-name-firefox } 后,电脑上的 { -brand-name-chrome } 仍会原原本本存在。
Spread the word about { -brand-name-firefox } and help your favorite people say goodbye to { -brand-name-chrome }.
向身边人宣传推广 { -brand-name-firefox },让更多人对 { -brand-name-chrome } 说再见。
Share with your friends how to switch to { -brand-name-firefox }
跟朋友分享迁移到 { -brand-name-firefox } 的体验吧
🔥 { -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. Try it out!
🔥 感觉 { -brand-name-firefox } 蛮好用的,从 { -brand-name-chrome } 迁移到 { -brand-name-firefox } 也超级简单。推荐大家试试!
Switch to { -brand-name-firefox }
试试 { -brand-name-firefox } 吧
{ -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. I like it a lot, and you should try it.
我发现 { -brand-name-firefox } 浏览器蛮好用的,速度很快,把主力浏览器从 { -brand-name-chrome } 迁移过来也很容易。你也可以试试看。
Still not convinced that switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is easy?
觉得 { -brand-name-firefox } 的迁移过程不够简单?
Enjoy the web faster, all set up for you.
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