Volunteer Opportunities at { -brand-name-mozilla }
Pussaivladads per voluntaris tar { -brand-name-mozilla }
Volunteer Opportunities at { -brand-name-mozilla }
Pussaivladads per voluntaris tar { -brand-name-mozilla }
Your talents are needed for a better internet
Nus avain da basegn da tes talents per in meglier internet
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is a non-profit organization working to ensure the internet is open and welcoming to all. And we need your help. By joining our community, you can help drive innovation, enhance accountability and trust and make the internet a better place for everyone.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } è in'organisaziun senza finamira da profit che s'engascha per che l'internet saja avert ed accoglient per tuts. E nus duvrain tes agid. Cun participar a nossa cuminanza pos ti contribuir a l'innovaziun, promover il senn da responsabladad e la confidenza e gidar da far daventar l'internet in meglier lieu per tuts.
How you can contribute…
Co che ti pos contribuir…
Non Technical
Betg tecnic
Technical and Non-technical
Tecnic e betg tecnic
Individual and event organization
Individualmain e via l'organisaziun dad occurrenzas
Translate content
Translatescha cuntegn
The internet is only global if it’s understood everywhere. Help us translate { -brand-name-mozilla } products and websites into your local language.
L'internet è mo global sch'el vegn chapì dapertut. Ans gida da translatar ils products e las websites da { -brand-name-mozilla } en tia lingua.
Contribute to the { -brand-name-mozilla } codebase
Contribuescha al code da { -brand-name-mozilla }
Actively improve { -brand-name-mozilla } products by contributing to a variety of development opportunities.
Contribuescha activamain al svilup dals products da { -brand-name-mozilla }. Ti has numerusas opziuns.
Help make { -brand-name-mozilla } products easy to use. Answer people’s “help” questions as part of the { -brand-name-mozilla } Support Community forums.
Gida nus da facilitar l'utilisaziun da products da { -brand-name-mozilla }. Respunda a las dumondas d'agid en ils forums da support da la cuminanza { -brand-name-mozilla }.
Join the community
Daventa part da la cuminanza
Want to get more involved in the { -brand-name-mozilla } community? Check out all the volunteer opportunities in our Community Portal.
Vuls ti t'engaschar pli fitg en la cuminanza da { -brand-name-mozilla }? Ve a savair dapli davart tut las pussaivladads per voluntaris en noss Community Portal.
Our Mission
Nossa missiun
Our mission is to ensure the internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Igl è nossa missiun da procurar che l'internet saja ina resursa publica globala, averta ed accessibla per tuts. In internet che ha en egl en emprima lingia las persunas, nua che mintgin po crear sia atgna experientscha e nua che mintgin po far valair ses basegns – en moda e maniera segira ed independenta.
Learn about { -brand-name-mozilla }
Ve a savair dapli davart { -brand-name-mozilla }
Read our manifesto
Legia noss manifest
Find an event
Chatta in'occurrenza
Meet our passionate volunteers
Scuntra noss voluntaris passiunads
Fa ina donaziun
Help fund our mission
Gida a finanziar nossa missiun
Follow { -brand-name-mozilla }
Suonda { -brand-name-mozilla }
News and volunteer opportunities
Novitads e pussaivladads per voluntaris
Made by passionate people like you
Realisà da glieud passiunada sco ti
When you contribute to { -brand-name-mozilla }, you become part of a worldwide community made up of people from around the globe who believe that we all have a role in ensuring that the internet remains a force for good.
Sche ti contribueschas a { -brand-name-mozilla }, daventas ti ina part dad ina cuminanza mundiala da persunas ch'èn persvasas ch'i tutga a nus tuts da procurar che l'internet restia ina forza positiva.
We believe community collaboration is vital to creating an internet that is diverse, innovative, and accountable to the people who need it most. Whether you have a background in tech, community organizing, or just a computer and some free time, you can help us make the internet a better place.
Nus crajain che la collavuraziun en la cuminanza saja essenziala per crear in internet ch'è multifar, innovativ e responsabel per quellas persunas ch'al dovran il pli fitg. I na dependa betg sche ti has experientschas professiunalas en il mund da la tecnologia, en l'organisaziun dad ina communitad u sche ti has simplamain in computer ed in pau temp liber – ti pos gidar per che l'internet daventia in meglier lieu.
Not sure yet?
Es ti anc indecis?
Get community and contribution news to your inbox
Obtegna novitads davart cuminanza e collavuraziun en tia posta entrada
Subscribe to our newsletter, join Mozillians all around the world, and learn about impactful opportunities to support the { -brand-name-mozilla } mission.
Abunescha noss newsletter, inscuntra Mozillians da tut il mund e ve a savair dapli davart las pussaivladads effectivas da sustegnair l'idea da { -brand-name-mozilla }.
Get Help
Dumonda agid
{ -brand-name-mozilla } has a dedicated team of volunteers to help with whatever issues you may be experiencing.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } ha in team engaschà da voluntaris ch'èn pronts da ta gidar cun n'emporta betg tge problem.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Support
Support da { -brand-name-mozilla }
Problems with a web page?
Datti problems cun ina pagina-web?
If your experience of a website differs between browsers then you may have discovered a web compatibility issue. We would love to know about it!
Sche tia experientscha cun ina tscherta website dependa dal navigatur che ti utiliseschas, has ti probablamain chattà in problem da cumpatibilitad web. Nus vegnissan gugent a savair dapli da quel!
Report an issue
Annunziar in problem
Volunteer Opportunities at { -brand-name-mozilla }
Pussaivladads per voluntaris tar { -brand-name-mozilla }
No terms available.
Volunteer Opportunities at { -brand-name-mozilla }
Pussaivladads per voluntaris tar { -brand-name-mozilla }
Volunteer Opportunities atwith { -brand-name-mozilla }
Collavurar cun { -brand-name-mozilla }