Review activity
Impact of the review process and adding suggestions on the overal amount of unreviewed suggestions.
Suggestions pending a review.
Suggestions approved by peers of the author.
Directly submitted translations.
Rejected suggestions.
New suggestions:
Newly added suggestions (hidden by default).
Impact of the review process and adding suggestions on the overal amount of unreviewed suggestions.
- Unreviewed: Suggestions pending a review.
- Peer-approved: Suggestions approved by peers of the author.
- Self-approved: Directly submitted translations.
- Rejected: Rejected suggestions.
- New suggestions: Newly added suggestions (hidden by default).
Translation activity
Impact of adding translations and source strings on the overal translation completion.
Share of translated strings.
Human translations:
Translations authored by users.
Machinery translations:
Translations copied from Machinery.
New source strings:
Newly added source strings (hidden by default).
Impact of adding translations and source strings on the overal translation completion.
- Completion: Share of translated strings.
- Human translations: Translations authored by users.
- Machinery translations: Translations copied from Machinery.
- New source strings: Newly added source strings (hidden by default).
Pretranslation quality
Approval rate and chrF++ score of pretranslations.
Approval rate:
Share of approved pretranslations.
chrF++ score:
Machine translation evaluation metric, calculated for pretranslations reviewed in a specific month.
Pretranslations that have been approved.
Pretranslations that have been rejected.
New pretranslations:
Newly added pretranslations (hidden by default).
Approval rate and chrF++ score of pretranslations.
- Approval rate: Share of approved pretranslations.
- chrF++ score: Machine translation evaluation metric, calculated for pretranslations reviewed in a specific month.
- Approved: Pretranslations that have been approved.
- Rejected: Pretranslations that have been rejected.
- New pretranslations: Newly added pretranslations (hidden by default).