Encryption Status:
Stanje šifriranja:
No translations available.
Encryption Status:
Stanje šifriranja:
Start an encrypted conversation
Započni šifrirani razgovor
{ start-text }
{ start-text }
{ start-text }
{ start-text }
End the encrypted conversation
Završi šifrirani razgovor
Verify your contact’s identity
Potvrdi identitet kontakta
Encryption Status:
No translations available.
Convert information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access. This is different from "encoding" in which the goal is to ensure that information can be properly consumed.
E.G.Encrypt This Message
The process of encoding information or data so that only the sender and the intended recipient can read it.
E.G.Your connection to this website uses weak encryption and is not private.