{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
Veelgestelde vragen over { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
Veelgestelde vragen over { -brand-name-firefox }
Whether you searched for a fast browser that protects your privacy, this FAQ is here to answer the most pressing { -brand-name-firefox }-related questions.
Of u nu naar een snelle browser die uw privacy beschermt heeft gezocht, deze veelgestelde vragen zijn er om uw meest prangende vragen over { -brand-name-firefox } te beantwoorden.
Whether you searched for a fast browser, or you’re looking for independent tech that protects your privacy, this FAQ is here to answer the most pressing { -brand-name-firefox }-related questions.
Of u nu naar een snelle browser heeft gezocht, of u op zoek bent naar een onafhankelijk technologiebedrijf dat uw privacy beschermt, deze veelgestelde vragen zijn er om uw meest prangende vragen over { -brand-name-firefox } te beantwoorden.
What is { -brand-name-firefox }?
Wat is { -brand-name-firefox }?
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit that doesn’t sell your personal data to advertisers while helping you protect your personal information. Learn more about the <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> and <a href="{ $url2 }">other products.</a>
De { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is de enige grote browser die wordt gesteund door een bedrijf zonder winstoogmerk, dat uw persoonlijke gegevens niet verkoopt aan adverteerders en tegelijkertijd helpt uw persoonlijke gegevens te beschermen. Lees meer over de <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> en <a href="{ $url2 }">andere producten.</a>
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit, helps you protect your personal information. Learn more about the <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> and <a href="{ $url2 }">other products.</a>
De { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, de enige grote browser die wordt ondersteund door een non-profitorganisatie, helpt u uw persoonlijke gegevens te beschermen. Meer info over de <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> en <a href="{ $url2 }">andere producten.</a>
How do I get the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }?
Hoe download ik de { -brand-name-firefox-browser }?
You can easily download the { -brand-name-firefox } desktop browser <a href="{ $url }">here.</a> { -brand-name-firefox } works on <a href="{ $url2 }">{ -brand-name-windows },</a> <a href="{ $url3 }">{ -brand-name-mac-short }</a> and <a href="{ $url4 }">{ -brand-name-linux }</a> devices, and is also available for <a href="{ $url5 }">{ -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.</a> Make sure you’re downloading our browser from one of our trusted { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } pages.
U kunt de { -brand-name-firefox }-desktopbrowser eenvoudig <a href="{ $url }">hier</a> downloaden. { -brand-name-firefox } werkt op <a href="{ $url2 }">{ -brand-name-windows }</a>-, <a href="{ $url3 }">{ -brand-name-mac-short }</a>- en <a href="{ $url4 }">{ -brand-name-linux }{ -brand-name-linux }</a>-apparaten en is ook beschikbaar voor <a href="{ $url5 }">{ -brand-name-android } en { -brand-name-ios }</a>. Zorg ervoor dat u onze browser downloadt van een van onze vertrouwde { -brand-name-mozilla }-/{ -brand-name-firefox }-pagina’s.
Is { -brand-name-firefox } free?
Is { -brand-name-firefox } gratis?
Yep! The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it, and we don’t sell your personal data.
Ja! De { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is gratis. Supergratis, eigenlijk. Geen verborgen kosten, niets. U betaalt niets voor het gebruik, en we verkopen uw persoonsgegevens niet.
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox-browser } free, does { -brand-name-firefox } cost money
Verwante vragen: is { -brand-name-firefox-browser } gratis, kost { -brand-name-firefox } geld
Yep! The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it.
Ja! De { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is gratis. Supergratis, eigenlijk. Geen verborgen kosten, niets. U betaalt niets voor het gebruik.
Is { -brand-name-chrome } better than { -brand-name-firefox }?
Is { -brand-name-chrome } beter dan { -brand-name-firefox }?
No, we don’t think { -brand-name-chrome } is better than { -brand-name-firefox }, and here is why: when people ask which browser is better, they’re really asking which browser is faster and safer. { -brand-name-firefox } is updated monthly to make sure you have the speediest browser that respects your privacy automatically.
Nee, we denken niet dat { -brand-name-chrome } beter is dan { -brand-name-firefox }, en wel om deze reden: als mensen vragen welke browser beter is, vragen ze eigenlijk welke browser sneller en veiliger is. { -brand-name-firefox } wordt maandelijks bijgewerkt, om ervoor te zorgen dat u de snelste browser hebt die automatisch uw privacy respecteert.
<a href="{ $url }">See how { -brand-name-firefox } compares { -brand-name-chrome }.</a>
<a href="{ $url }">Bekijk hoe { -brand-name-firefox } zich verhoudt tot { -brand-name-chrome }.</a>
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox } better than { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } better than { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-firefox } safer than { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } more private than { -brand-name-chrome }
Verwante vragen: is { -brand-name-firefox } beter dan { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } beter dan { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-firefox } veiliger dan { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } meer privé dan { -brand-name-chrome }
Is { -brand-name-firefox } safe to download?
Is { -brand-name-firefox } veilig te downloaden?
Protecting your privacy is our number one priority, and we ensure that installing { -brand-name-firefox } on your devices is completely safe — but always make sure you are downloading from a trusted { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } site, like <a href="{ $url }">our download page.</a>
Bescherming van uw privacy is onze hoogste prioriteit, en we zorgen dat het installeren van { -brand-name-firefox } op uw apparaat volledig veilig is – maar zorg er altijd voor dat u downloadt van een vertrouwde { -brand-name-mozilla }-/{ -brand-name-firefox }-website, zoals <a href="{ $url }">onze downloadpagina.</a>
Is { -brand-name-firefox } safe?
Is { -brand-name-firefox } veilig?
Not only is { -brand-name-firefox } safe to use, it also helps keep your data and private information safe. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } automatically blocks known third party trackers, social media trackers, cryptominers and fingerprinters from collecting your data. <a href="{ $url }">Learn more about the privacy in our products.</a>
{ -brand-name-firefox } is niet alleen veilig in gebruik, het helpt ook uw gegevens en privégegevens veilig te houden. De { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blokkeert automatisch bekende trackers van derden, sociale-mediatrackers, cryptominers en fingerprinters, zodat deze uw gegevens niet kunnen verzamelen. <a href="{ $url }">Meer info over de privacy in onze producten.</a>
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox } good for privacy, is { -brand-name-firefox } secure, is { -brand-name-firefox } better for privacy
Verwante vragen: is { -brand-name-firefox } goed voor privacy, is { -brand-name-firefox } beveiligd, is { -brand-name-firefox } beter voor privacy
Does { -brand-name-firefox } sell your personal data?
Verkoopt { -brand-name-firefox } persoonlijke gegevens?
Nope. Never have, never will. And we protect you from many of the advertisers who do. { -brand-name-firefox } products are designed to protect your privacy. <a href="{ $url }">That’s a promise.</a>
Nee. Nooit gedaan, en zullen we ook nooit doen. En we beschermen u tegen veel van de adverteerders die dat wel doen. { -brand-name-firefox }-producten zijn ontworpen om uw privacy te beschermen. <a href="{ $url }">Dat beloven we.</a>
Why is { -brand-name-firefox } so slow?
Waarom is { -brand-name-firefox } zo langzaam?
{ -brand-name-firefox } isn’t slow… now. In 2017, we completely rebuilt our browser engine (called Quantum), to ensure { -brand-name-firefox } could compete with other major browsers. And, our tracker blockers help pages load even faster. So { -brand-name-firefox } is lightning fast without sacrificing any of your privacy.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is niet langzaam… nu. In 2017 hebben we onze browserengine volledig herbouwd (genaamd Quantum), om ervoor te zorgen dat { -brand-name-firefox } kan wedijveren met andere grote browsers. En onze trackerblokkering helpt pagina’s nog sneller te laden. { -brand-name-firefox } is dus bliksemsnel, zonder uw privacy op te offeren.
Is { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-chromium } based?
Is { -brand-name-firefox } gebaseerd op { -brand-name-chromium }?
{ -brand-name-firefox } is not based on { -brand-name-chromium } (the open source browser project at the core of { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }). In fact, we’re one of the last major browsers that isn’t. { -brand-name-firefox } runs on our Quantum browser engine built specifically for { -brand-name-firefox }, so we can ensure your data is handled respectfully and kept private.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is niet gebaseerd op { -brand-name-chromium } (het opensource-browserproject dat de kern is van { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }). In feite zijn we een van de laatste browsers die dat niet zijn. { -brand-name-firefox } draait op onze Quantum-browserengine, speciaal gebouwd voor { -brand-name-firefox }, zodat we ervoor kunnen zorgen dat uw gegevens met respect worden behandeld en privé blijven.
Does { -brand-name-firefox } use { -brand-name-google }?
Gebruikt { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-google }?
{ -brand-name-google } is the default search engine in { -brand-name-firefox }, which means you can search the web directly from the address bar. <a href="{ $url }">Learn more about search engine preferences and changing defaults.</a>
{ -brand-name-google } is de standaardzoekmachine in { -brand-name-firefox }, wat betekent dat u het web rechtstreeks vanuit de adresbalk kunt doorzoeken. <a href="{ $url }">Meer info over zoekmachinevoorkeuren en het wijzigen van de standaardinstellingen.</a>
Does { -brand-name-firefox } have a built-in VPN?
Heeft { -brand-name-firefox } een ingebouwde VPN?
{ -brand-name-firefox } does not have a built-in VPN (virtual private network), but { -brand-name-mozilla } creates a product called <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> that you can use in addition to the private { -brand-name-firefox-browser } that can protect your connection on Wi-Fi, as well as your IP address.
{ -brand-name-firefox } heeft geen ingebouwde VPN (virtual private network), maar { -brand-name-mozilla } maakt een product genaamd <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a>, dat u kunt gebruiken naast de privé { -brand-name-firefox-browser } en uw verbinding op wifi kan beschermen, evenals uw IP-adres.
Related questions: does { -brand-name-firefox } hide your IP address
Verwante vragen: verbergt { -brand-name-firefox } uw IP-adres
Who owns { -brand-name-firefox }?
Wie is de eigenaar van { -brand-name-firefox }?
{ -brand-name-firefox } is made by { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }, a wholly owned subsidiary of the not-for-profit <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-foundation },</a> and is guided by the principles of the { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. Learn more about the maker of { -brand-name-firefox } <a href="{ $url2 }">here.</a>
{ -brand-name-firefox } wordt gemaakt door { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }, een volledige dochter van de maatschappij zonder winstoogmerk <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-foundation }</a>, en wordt geleid door de principes van het { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. Meer info over de maker van { -brand-name-firefox } <a href="{ $url2 }">hier.</a>
Related questions: who is { -brand-name-firefox } owned by, who owns { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, is { -brand-name-firefox } owned by { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } owned by { -brand-name-google }
Verwante vragen: wie bezit { -brand-name-firefox }, wie bezit { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, is { -brand-name-firefox } van { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } van { -brand-name-google }
{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
Veelgestelde vragen over { -brand-name-firefox }
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{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
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