Record your response
GROUP COMMENT Prompts page
CONTEXT record-player-header•web/locales/spontaneous-speech/en/pages/contribution/prompts.ftl•Common Voice
CREATED November 8, 2024 01:11:41 PM
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Learn how to use this page
Just respond to the prompt as naturally as you can in a couple of sentences. Make sure your language is respectful and inoffensive.
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Learn how to transcribe
Write down exactly what the person said, including placeholder words like 'um', or 'errr'.
Click <guidanceLink>here</guidanceLink> to learn how to use this page
Learn how to check a transcription
A transcription should capture every word or non-lexical conversation sound that was said by the person, including repetitions.
Click <guidanceLink>here</guidanceLink> to learn how to use this page
Record your response