Download { -brand-name-firefox } in English (US) and more than 90 other languages
Download { -brand-name-firefox } in English (US) and more than 90 other languages
Everyone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make { -brand-name-firefox } available in more than 90 languages.
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The pre-alpha version for power users who like to hunt crashes and test new features as they’re coded.
64-bit installers
Choose a 64-bit installer for computers with 64-bit processors, which allow them to allocate more RAM to individual programs — particularly important for games and other demanding applications.
32-bit installers
Microsoft Store
This option will open a { -brand-name-firefox } product page in the Microsoft Store web portal. If you are running Windows 10 or Windows 11, you will have the option to open the Microsoft Store from this page and install { -brand-name-firefox }. If you install from the Microsoft Store, updates to { -brand-name-firefox } will also be handled by the Microsoft Store. There are minor differences in { -brand-name-firefox } behaviors and capabilities when installed from the Microsoft Store, but for most users these differences are not noticeable.
Download { $esr_version }
We are in the transition period between major ESR versions { $esr_next_major } and { $esr_current_major }.
When there is a major version update, there is always an overlap of a few { -brand-name-firefox-esr } point releases to allow people who are using the old version to prepare to move to the new one.
If you choose to download the older ESR version, you will be automatically updated to the new one when the transition period ends.
Read more about the <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox-esr } release cycle</a>.
Check the system requirements
Release notes
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{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Learn about { -brand-name-firefox } browsers
The standard { -brand-name-firefox } browser — fast and private. If you’re not sure which { -brand-name-firefox } to choose, choose this.
Get a sneak peek at the latest { -brand-name-firefox } browser features before they’re released.
Test your sites against soon-to-be-released { -brand-name-firefox } browser features with powerful, flexible DevTools that are on by default.
Count on stability and ease of use with this { -brand-name-firefox } browser built for enterprise.
Windows installers for corporate IT that simplify the configuration, deployment and management of the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }.
ARM64/AArch64 installers
ARM64/AArch64 installers optimized for Windows and Linux PCs.
Sign up to test { -brand-name-firefox } for iOS with TestFlight
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Choose a 32-bit installer for computers with 32-bit processors — or for older or less powerful computers. <a href="{ $url }">If you aren’t sure</a> whether to choose a 64-bit or 32-bit installer, we recommend you go with 32-bit.
Download { $product_label } for { $platform } in { $locale }
{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
Whether you searched for a fast browser that protects your privacy, this FAQ is here to answer the most pressing { -brand-name-firefox }-related questions.
Whether you searched for a fast browser, or you’re looking for independent tech that protects your privacy, this FAQ is here to answer the most pressing { -brand-name-firefox }-related questions.
What is { -brand-name-firefox }?
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit that doesn’t sell your personal data to advertisers while helping you protect your personal information. Learn more about the <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> and <a href="{ $url2 }">other products.</a>
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit, helps you protect your personal information. Learn more about the <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-browsers }</a> and <a href="{ $url2 }">other products.</a>
How do I get the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }?
You can easily download the { -brand-name-firefox } desktop browser <a href="{ $url }">here.</a> { -brand-name-firefox } works on <a href="{ $url2 }">{ -brand-name-windows },</a> <a href="{ $url3 }">{ -brand-name-mac-short }</a> and <a href="{ $url4 }">{ -brand-name-linux }</a> devices, and is also available for <a href="{ $url5 }">{ -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.</a> Make sure you’re downloading our browser from one of our trusted { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } pages.
Is { -brand-name-firefox } free?
Yep! The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it, and we don’t sell your personal data.
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox-browser } free, does { -brand-name-firefox } cost money
Yep! The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it.
Is { -brand-name-chrome } better than { -brand-name-firefox }?
No, we don’t think { -brand-name-chrome } is better than { -brand-name-firefox }, and here is why: when people ask which browser is better, they’re really asking which browser is faster and safer. { -brand-name-firefox } is updated monthly to make sure you have the speediest browser that respects your privacy automatically.
<a href="{ $url }">See how { -brand-name-firefox } compares { -brand-name-chrome }.</a>
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox } better than { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } better than { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-firefox } safer than { -brand-name-chrome }, is { -brand-name-firefox } more private than { -brand-name-chrome }
Is { -brand-name-firefox } safe to download?
Protecting your privacy is our number one priority, and we ensure that installing { -brand-name-firefox } on your devices is completely safe — but always make sure you are downloading from a trusted { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } site, like <a href="{ $url }">our download page.</a>
Is { -brand-name-firefox } safe?
Not only is { -brand-name-firefox } safe to use, it also helps keep your data and private information safe. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } automatically blocks known third party trackers, social media trackers, cryptominers and fingerprinters from collecting your data. <a href="{ $url }">Learn more about the privacy in our products.</a>
Related questions: is { -brand-name-firefox } good for privacy, is { -brand-name-firefox } secure, is { -brand-name-firefox } better for privacy
Does { -brand-name-firefox } sell your personal data?
Nope. Never have, never will. And we protect you from many of the advertisers who do. { -brand-name-firefox } products are designed to protect your privacy. <a href="{ $url }">That’s a promise.</a>
Why is { -brand-name-firefox } so slow?
{ -brand-name-firefox } isn’t slow… now. In 2017, we completely rebuilt our browser engine (called Quantum), to ensure { -brand-name-firefox } could compete with other major browsers. And, our tracker blockers help pages load even faster. So { -brand-name-firefox } is lightning fast without sacrificing any of your privacy.
Is { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-chromium } based?
{ -brand-name-firefox } is not based on { -brand-name-chromium } (the open source browser project at the core of { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }). In fact, we’re one of the last major browsers that isn’t. { -brand-name-firefox } runs on our Quantum browser engine built specifically for { -brand-name-firefox }, so we can ensure your data is handled respectfully and kept private.
Does { -brand-name-firefox } use { -brand-name-google }?
{ -brand-name-google } is the default search engine in { -brand-name-firefox }, which means you can search the web directly from the address bar. <a href="{ $url }">Learn more about search engine preferences and changing defaults.</a>
Does { -brand-name-firefox } have a built-in VPN?
{ -brand-name-firefox } does not have a built-in VPN (virtual private network), but { -brand-name-mozilla } creates a product called <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a> that you can use in addition to the private { -brand-name-firefox-browser } that can protect your connection on Wi-Fi, as well as your IP address.
Related questions: does { -brand-name-firefox } hide your IP address
Who owns { -brand-name-firefox }?
{ -brand-name-firefox } is made by { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }, a wholly owned subsidiary of the not-for-profit <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-foundation },</a> and is guided by the principles of the { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto. Learn more about the maker of { -brand-name-firefox } <a href="{ $url2 }">here.</a>
Related questions: who is { -brand-name-firefox } owned by, who owns { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, is { -brand-name-firefox } owned by { -brand-name-google }, is { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } owned by { -brand-name-google }