{ -brand-name-firefox } products are designed to protect your privacy
{ -brand-name-firefox } products are designed to protect your privacy
Learn more about { -brand-name-firefox }, its history, features and mission
Learn more about { -brand-name-firefox } browsers and products that handle your data with respect and are built for privacy anywhere you go online.
{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
The history of web browsers
{ -brand-name-firefox } has been there since almost the beginning.
What is a web browser?
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet, letting you see text, images and video from anywhere in the world.
Update your browser to fast, safe and secure { -brand-name-firefox }.
The { -brand-name-firefox } browser is built to protect your privacy at every turn — because that’s the fastest way to free you from slow loads, bad ads, and trackers.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is more than a browser
It’s a lightning fast door to the best web experience.
Get the browsers that put your privacy first — and always have
Get the privacy you deserve. Enhanced Tracking Protection makes privacy automatic, every time you open your browser.
Choose which { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to download in your language
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } for { -brand-name-chromebook }
While a { -brand-name-chromebook } already has { -brand-name-chrome } installed, downloading and using { -brand-name-firefox } as your go-to browser provides you with a few benefits
{ -brand-name-firefox-quantum }
{ -brand-name-firefox-quantum } was a revolution in { -brand-name-firefox } development. In 2017, we created a new, lightning fast browser that constantly improves. { -brand-name-firefox-quantum } is the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }.
We believe everyone should have access to the internet — that’s why we make the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } available in more than 90 languages with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world.
{ -brand-name-firefox } fights for you on { -brand-name-windows }
Easy migration of preferences and bookmarks when you download { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } respects your privacy on { -brand-name-mac-short }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } doesn’t spy on searches. We stop known third-party tracking cookies and give you full control.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-linux }
New school meets old school with the fastest browser yet.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows } 64-bit
We worry about your data safety so you don’t have to.
Old habits that die hard but you’ll feel better when they do.
Incognito browser: What it really means
{ -brand-name-firefox } calls it private browsing, { -brand-name-chrome } calls it incognito mode. Both let you browse the web without saving your browsing history.
Fingerprinter Blocking
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Translate the web
Translate more than 100 languages to your language directly in your { -brand-name-firefox-browser } - easier than ever.
A guide to safer logins and passwords
More and more of the sensitive, valuable things in our life are guarded by passwords.
Avoid misinformation online – { -brand-name-firefox } is here to help
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you.
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