Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
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Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Get { -brand-name-firefox }, a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } or { -brand-name-linux }. { -brand-name-firefox } is a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.
Download the fastest { -brand-name-firefox } ever
Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new { -brand-name-firefox } is here.
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }
An even newer { -brand-name-firefox } is available. <a { $update_url }>Update to the latest version</a>
Get the browser that protects what’s important
No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.
Fast, reliable and private — for peace of mind online.
Download options and other languages
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } support
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>isn’t</strong> watching.
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } has got you <strong>covered</strong>.
How { -brand-name-firefox } compares to other browsers
Get all the speed and tools with none of the invasions of privacy. { -brand-name-firefox-browser } collects so little data about you, we don’t even require your email address to download. That’s because unlike other browsers, we have no financial stake in following you around the web.
How we compare to other browsers
Compare { -brand-name-firefox } to:
{ -brand-name-chrome }
{ -brand-name-edge }
{ -brand-name-safari }
Blocks third-party tracking cookies
Blocks third-party tracking cookies by default
Autoplay blocking
Blocks social trackers
OS availability
In-browser screenshot tool
Primary password
We block the ad trackers. You explore the internet faster.
Ads are distracting and make web pages load slower while their trackers watch every move you make online. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks most trackers automatically, so there’s no need to dig into your security settings.
See your protection report
{ -brand-name-firefox } is for everyone
Available in over 90 languages, and compatible with { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-linux } machines, { -brand-name-firefox } works no matter what you’re using or where you are. Make sure your operating system is up to date for the best experience.
Review system requirements
Put { -brand-name-firefox } on all your devices
Take your privacy with you everywhere. { -brand-name-firefox-browsers } for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } have the same strong privacy settings to block trackers from following you around the web, no matter where you are.
Do it <strong>all</strong> with { -brand-name-firefox }
Search smarter, faster
Search from address bar
Search engine options
Smart search suggestions
Bookmark, history and open tab in results
Boost your productivity
Works with { -brand-name-google } products
Built-in screenshot tool
Bookmarks manager
Autosuggest URLs
{ -brand-name-firefox } products are designed to protect your privacy
Learn more about { -brand-name-firefox }, its history, features and mission
Learn more about { -brand-name-firefox } browsers and products that handle your data with respect and are built for privacy anywhere you go online.
{ -brand-name-firefox } FAQ
The history of web browsers
{ -brand-name-firefox } has been there since almost the beginning.
What is a web browser?
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet, letting you see text, images and video from anywhere in the world.
Update your browser to fast, safe and secure { -brand-name-firefox }.
The { -brand-name-firefox } browser is built to protect your privacy at every turn — because that’s the fastest way to free you from slow loads, bad ads, and trackers.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is more than a browser
It’s a lightning fast door to the best web experience.
Get the browsers that put your privacy first — and always have
Get the privacy you deserve. Enhanced Tracking Protection makes privacy automatic, every time you open your browser.
Choose which { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to download in your language
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } for { -brand-name-chromebook }
While a { -brand-name-chromebook } already has { -brand-name-chrome } installed, downloading and using { -brand-name-firefox } as your go-to browser provides you with a few benefits
{ -brand-name-firefox-quantum }
{ -brand-name-firefox-quantum } was a revolution in { -brand-name-firefox } development. In 2017, we created a new, lightning fast browser that constantly improves. { -brand-name-firefox-quantum } is the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }.
We believe everyone should have access to the internet — that’s why we make the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } available in more than 90 languages with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world.
{ -brand-name-firefox } fights for you on { -brand-name-windows }
Easy migration of preferences and bookmarks when you download { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } respects your privacy on { -brand-name-mac-short }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } doesn’t spy on searches. We stop known third-party tracking cookies and give you full control.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-linux }
New school meets old school with the fastest browser yet.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows } 64-bit
We worry about your data safety so you don’t have to.
Old habits that die hard but you’ll feel better when they do.
Incognito browser: What it really means
{ -brand-name-firefox } calls it private browsing, { -brand-name-chrome } calls it incognito mode. Both let you browse the web without saving your browsing history.
Fingerprinter Blocking
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Translate the web
Translate more than 100 languages to your language directly in your { -brand-name-firefox-browser } - easier than ever.
A guide to safer logins and passwords
More and more of the sensitive, valuable things in our life are guarded by passwords.
Avoid misinformation online – { -brand-name-firefox } is here to help
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
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