Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
No translations available.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Sækja { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } og { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
Þú getur sótt { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } á allt að { $devices } tæki með einni áskrift.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN fyrir { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (aðeins 64-bita)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN fyrir { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
Útgáfa { $version } og nýrri
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN fyrir { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } og nýrra
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN fyrir { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN fyrir { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
Sæktu { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } fyrir { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Ná í á { -brand-name-google-play }
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
Ná í á { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Byggt á núverandi tæki
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Fáðu þér { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Persónuvernd sem þú getur treyst
Also available for:
Einnig tiltækt fyrir:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
Frá framleiðanda { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } notar háþróaða <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® samskiptareglur til að dulrita virkni þína á netinu og fela staðsetningu þína.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
Við hvorki skráum, rekjum né deilum netgögnunum þínum.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
Sækja fyrri útgáfur fyrir { -brand-name-windows } og { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Eiginleikar - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
Eiginleikar sem vernda <br> líf þitt á netinu
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
Meira en { $servers } netþjónar í yfir { $countries } löndum
See our list of servers.
Skoðaðu listann okkar yfir netþjóna.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Tengdu allt að { $devices } tæki
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
Stuðningur við Windows, macOS, Android, iOS og Linux stýrikerfi.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
{ -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, 그리고 { -brand-name-ios }를 위한 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
한 번의 구독으로 최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 모든 주요 운영 체제에 대해 안전한 보안 기능을 제공합니다.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
죄송합니다. 귀하의 국가에서는 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 없습니다.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 VPN
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64비트 전용)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 VPN
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
{ -brand-name-firefox } 확장 기능 설치
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Version { $version } and up
버전 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Ubuntu { $version } and up
우분투 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
{ -brand-name-google-play }에서 받기
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
{ -brand-name-app-store }에서 받기
Based on your current device
현재 기기 기반
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 받기
Privacy you can trust
신뢰할 수 있는 개인 정보 보호
Also available for:
또한 사용 가능:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
{ -brand-name-firefox }를 만든 사람들로 부터, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® 프로토콜을 사용하여 온라인 활동을 암호화하고 위치를 숨깁니다.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
네트워크 데이터를 기록하거나 추적, 공유하지 않습니다.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
이전 { -brand-name-windows }와 { -brand-name-mac-short } 버전 다운로드
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
기능 - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
온라인 생활을 <br> 보호하는 기능
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
{ $countries }개 이상 국가에 { $servers }개 이상의 서버
See our list of servers.
서버 목록을 참고하세요.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 연결
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
Windows와 macOS, Android, iOS, Linux 운영 체제를 지원합니다.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
대역폭 제한이나 스로틀링 없음
Including no data cap or speed limit.
데이터나 속도 제한이 없습니다.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
게임 중에도 빠른 네트워크 속도
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 가장 성능이 뛰어난 VPN 프로토콜 중 하나인 <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™를 사용합니다.
Block advertisers from targeting you
광고주가 사용자를 타겟팅하지 못하도록 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 광고와 광고 추적기가 사용자의 온라인 활동을 보지 못하도록 자동으로 차단합니다.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
모든 인터넷 트래픽 암호화
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 브라우저 뿐만 아니라 기기의 모든 앱을 보호합니다.
Stronger malware protection
강력한 악성코드 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 안전하지 않은 출처의 악성코드를 다운로드하지 못하도록 합니다.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
최고 수준의 사생활 보호 모드: 두 위치를 통해 트래픽 라우팅
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
<a { $feature }>다중 홉 기능</a>은 추가적인 보안 강화를 제공합니다.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
{ -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, 그리고 { -brand-name-ios }를 위한 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
한 번의 구독으로 최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 모든 주요 운영 체제에 대해 안전한 보안 기능을 제공합니다.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
죄송합니다. 귀하의 국가에서는 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 없습니다.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 VPN
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64비트 전용)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 VPN
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
{ -brand-name-firefox } 확장 기능 설치
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Version { $version } and up
버전 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Ubuntu { $version } and up
우분투 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
{ -brand-name-google-play }에서 받기
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
{ -brand-name-app-store }에서 받기
Based on your current device
현재 기기 기반
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 받기
Privacy you can trust
신뢰할 수 있는 개인 정보 보호
Also available for:
또한 사용 가능:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
{ -brand-name-firefox }를 만든 사람들로 부터, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® 프로토콜을 사용하여 온라인 활동을 암호화하고 위치를 숨깁니다.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
네트워크 데이터를 기록하거나 추적, 공유하지 않습니다.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
이전 { -brand-name-windows }와 { -brand-name-mac-short } 버전 다운로드
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
기능 - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
온라인 생활을 <br> 보호하는 기능
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
{ $countries }개 이상 국가에 { $servers }개 이상의 서버
See our list of servers.
서버 목록을 참고하세요.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 연결
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
Windows와 macOS, Android, iOS, Linux 운영 체제를 지원합니다.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
대역폭 제한이나 스로틀링 없음
Including no data cap or speed limit.
데이터나 속도 제한이 없습니다.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
게임 중에도 빠른 네트워크 속도
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 가장 성능이 뛰어난 VPN 프로토콜 중 하나인 <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™를 사용합니다.
Block advertisers from targeting you
광고주가 사용자를 타겟팅하지 못하도록 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 광고와 광고 추적기가 사용자의 온라인 활동을 보지 못하도록 자동으로 차단합니다.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
모든 인터넷 트래픽 암호화
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 브라우저 뿐만 아니라 기기의 모든 앱을 보호합니다.
Stronger malware protection
강력한 악성코드 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 안전하지 않은 출처의 악성코드를 다운로드하지 못하도록 합니다.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
최고 수준의 사생활 보호 모드: 두 위치를 통해 트래픽 라우팅
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
<a { $feature }>다중 홉 기능</a>은 추가적인 보안 강화를 제공합니다.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
{ -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, 그리고 { -brand-name-ios }를 위한 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
한 번의 구독으로 최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 모든 주요 운영 체제에 대해 안전한 보안 기능을 제공합니다.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
죄송합니다. 귀하의 국가에서는 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }을 다운로드할 수 없습니다.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 VPN
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64비트 전용)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 VPN
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
{ -brand-name-firefox } 확장 기능 설치
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
{ -brand-name-mac-short }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Version { $version } and up
버전 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
{ -brand-name-linux }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Ubuntu { $version } and up
우분투 { $version } 이상
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 VPN
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }용 { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 다운로드
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
{ -brand-name-google-play }에서 받기
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
{ -brand-name-app-store }에서 받기
Based on your current device
현재 기기 기반
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } 받기
Privacy you can trust
신뢰할 수 있는 개인 정보 보호
Also available for:
또한 사용 가능:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
{ -brand-name-firefox }를 만든 사람들로 부터, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® 프로토콜을 사용하여 온라인 활동을 암호화하고 위치를 숨깁니다.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
네트워크 데이터를 기록하거나 추적, 공유하지 않습니다.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
이전 { -brand-name-windows }와 { -brand-name-mac-short } 버전 다운로드
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
기능 - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
온라인 생활을 <br> 보호하는 기능
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
{ $countries }개 이상 국가에 { $servers }개 이상의 서버
See our list of servers.
서버 목록을 참고하세요.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
최대 { $devices }개의 기기에 연결
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
Windows와 macOS, Android, iOS, Linux 운영 체제를 지원합니다.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
대역폭 제한이나 스로틀링 없음
Including no data cap or speed limit.
데이터나 속도 제한이 없습니다.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
게임 중에도 빠른 네트워크 속도
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 가장 성능이 뛰어난 VPN 프로토콜 중 하나인 <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™를 사용합니다.
Block advertisers from targeting you
광고주가 사용자를 타겟팅하지 못하도록 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 광고와 광고 추적기가 사용자의 온라인 활동을 보지 못하도록 자동으로 차단합니다.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
모든 인터넷 트래픽 암호화
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 브라우저 뿐만 아니라 기기의 모든 앱을 보호합니다.
Stronger malware protection
강력한 악성코드 차단
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }은 안전하지 않은 출처의 악성코드를 다운로드하지 못하도록 합니다.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
최고 수준의 사생활 보호 모드: 두 위치를 통해 트래픽 라우팅
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
<a { $feature }>다중 홉 기능</a>은 추가적인 보안 강화를 제공합니다.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
No translations available.
No terms available.
Download Follow @{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
តាមដាន @{ -brand-name-mozilla }
DownloadAbout { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
អំពី { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpnfirefox }
ទាញយក { -brand-name-firefox }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } } now
ទាញយក { -brand-name } ឥឡូវនេះ