Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
შეხვალთ { -product-mozilla-account(case: "loc") }?
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
Click here to confirm it’s you
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } verification code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sync devices">
<img data-l10n-name="sync-devices-image" alt="Sünkrooniseeri seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } verification code: { $code }
{ $code } is your { -brand-mozilla } recovery code. Expires in 5 minutes.
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Devices">
<img data-l10n-name="devices-image" alt="Seadmed">
{ -brand-mozilla } code: { $code }
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
<img data-l10n-name="subplat-mozilla-logo" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
<img data-l10n-name="mozilla-logo-footer" alt="{ -brand-mozilla } logo">
This is an automated email; if you received it in error, no action is required.
See e-kiri on saadetud automaatselt. Kui sa ei tellinud seda, siis ei ole sul vaja midagi teha.
Privacy notice
Privacy notice:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
{ subplat-update-billing }:
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you signed up for { $productName }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account }.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } has a { -product-mozilla-account } and you have subscribed to multiple products.
You’re receiving this email because { $email } was registered for a { -product-mozilla-account }.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your <a data-l10n-name="subplat-account-page">account page</a>.
Manage your { -product-mozilla-account } settings by visiting your account page: { $accountSettingsUrl }
Terms and cancellation policy
Teenus- ja tühistamistingimused
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
{ subplat-terms-policy }:
Cancel subscription
Tühista tellimus
{ subplat-cancel }:
{ subplat-cancel }:
Reactivate subscription
Aktiveeri tellimus uuesti
{ subplat-reactivate }:
{ subplat-reactivate }:
Update billing information
Värskenda arveldusinfot
{ -brand-mozilla } Privacy Policy
{ -brand-mozilla } privaatsuspoliitika
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Privacy Notice
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy }:
{ subplat-privacy-policy-2 }:
{ -product-mozilla-accounts(capitalization: "uppercase") } Terms of Service
{ subplat-moz-terms }:
Õiguslik teave
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-legal }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
{ subplat-privacy }:
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on { -google-play }">
<img data-l10n-name="google-play-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -google-play }">
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you <a data-l10n-name="unsubscribeLink">ask to unsubscribe</a>.
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Download { $productName } on the { -app-store }">
<img data-l10n-name="apple-app-badge" alt="Laadi { $productName } alla teenusest { -app-store }">
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our <a data-l10n-name="supportLink">support team</a>.
If your account is deleted, you’ll still receive emails from Mozilla Corporation and Mozilla Foundation, unless you ask to unsubscribe:
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another desktop device</a>.
Install { $productName } on <a data-l10n-name="anotherDeviceLink">another device</a>.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team:
Get { $productName } on Google Play:
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
შეხვალთ { -product-mozilla-account(case: "loc") }?
No terms available.
Logging in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
შეხვალთ { -product-mozilla-account(case: "loc") }?
Logging inContinue to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
განაგრძეთ თქვენი { -product-mozilla-account(case: "ins") }
Logging New sign-in to your { -product-mozilla-account }?
თქვენი { -product-mozilla-account } გამოყენებულია შესვლისთვის
Logging in to your { -product-mozillafirefox-accounts }?
გსურთ, შეხვიდეთ ანგარიშზე { -product-firefox-accounts }?
Logging in to yourCreate a { -product-mozilla-account }?
შექმენით { -product-mozilla-account }