Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
Firefox for Android
Firefox pro Android
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Profiler
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>Web app for { -firefox-brand-name } performance analysis</subheader>
<header>{ -profiler-brand-name }</header> — <subheader>App web pro { -firefox-brand-name } analyse de prestation</subheader>
Go to our Git repository (this opens in a new window)
Va a nostre repositorio Git (isto se aperi in un nove fenestra)
Could not import the profile.
Impossibile importar le profilo.
Couldn’t retrieve the profile from { -firefox-brand-name }.
Impossibile recuperar le profilo de { -firefox-brand-name }.
Couldn’t read the file or parse the profile in it.
Impossibile leger le file o tractar le profilo in illo.
Not implemented yet.
Non ancora implementate.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not download the profile.
Impossibile discargar le profilo.
Could not retrieve the profiles.
Impossibile recuperar le profilos.
Due to a <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } is unable
to import profiles from the local machine in this browser. Please open this page in { -firefox-brand-name } or Chrome instead.A causa de un <a>specific limitation in Safari</a>, { -profiler-brand-name } non pote
importar profilos ab le local apparato in iste browser. Per favor aperi in vice iste pagina in { -firefox-brand-name } o Chrome.The URL you tried to reach was not recognized.
Le URL que tu tentava attinger non ha essite recognoscite.
Show <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Mostrar <strong>{ $fileName }</strong>
Merge function
Miscer function
Merge node only
Miscer solo un nodo
Focusing on a function will remove any sample that does not include that
function. In addition, it re-roots the call tree so that the function is the only root of the tree. This can combine multiple function call sites across a profile into one call node.Concentrar se sur un function removera ulle specimen que non include ille
function. In ultra, illo re-radica le arbore del appello assi que le function es le sol radice del arbore. Isto pote combina plure sitos de appello de function inter un profilo, in un nodo de appello.Focus on function
Foco sur function.
Focus on function (inverted)
Foco sur function (invertite).
Focus on subtree only
Foco solo sur sub-arbore.
Focus on category <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Examinar categoria <strong>{ $categoryName }</strong>
Collapse function
Collaber function
Collapse <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collaber <strong>{ $nameForResource }</strong>
Collapse recursion
Collaber recursion
Collapse direct recursion only
Collaber solo le recursion directe
Drop samples with this function
Lassar cader specimens con iste function
Expand all
Expander toto
Look up the function name on Searchfox
Recercar le nomine de function sur Searchfox
Copy function name
Copiar nomine de function
Copy script URL
Copia URL de script
Copy stack
Copiar pila
Running Time (ms)
Tempore de execution (ms)
Show the function in DevTools
Monstrar le function in DevTools
Self (ms)
Proprie (ms)
Total (samples)
Total (specimens)
Total Size (bytes)
Dimension total (bytes)
Self (bytes)
Proprie (bytes)
Some calls to { $calledFunction } were inlined by the compiler.
Alcun appellos a { $calledFunction } era incorporate per le compilator.
Select a node to display information about it.
Eliger un nodo pro monstrar informationes re illo.
Call node details
Detalios de nodo de appello
Traced running time
Tempore de execution traciate
Traced self time
Tempore proprie traciate
Running time
Tempore de execution
Self time
Tempore proprie
Running samples
Specimens de execution
No terms available.