You attempted to send an unencrypted message to { $name }. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.
Pokušali ste poslati ne kriptiranu poruku prema { $name }. Ne kriptirane poruke nisu dozvoljene prema postavkama.
You attempted to send an unencrypted message to { $name }. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.
Pokušali ste poslati ne kriptiranu poruku prema { $name }. Ne kriptirane poruke nisu dozvoljene prema postavkama.
Attempting to start a private conversation. Your message will be resent when the private conversation starts.
Pokušaj započinjanja privatnog razgovora. Vaše poruke će biti ponovno poslane kada započne privatni razgovor.
An error occurred when encrypting your message. The message was not sent.
Došlo je do greške prilikom kriptiranja poruke. Poruka nije poslana.
{ $name } has already closed their encrypted connection to you. To avoid that you accidentally send a message without encryption, your message was not sent. Please end your encrypted conversation, or restart it.
{ $name } je već zatvorio kriptiranu vezu sa vama. Kako bi izbjegli slučajno slanje ne kriptiranih poruka, vaša poruka nije poslana. Završite svoj kriptirani razgovor ili ga ponovno pokrenite.
An error occurred while setting up a private conversation with { $name }.
Došlo je do pogreške prilikom postavljanja privatnog razgovora s { $name }.
You are receiving your own OTR messages. You are either trying to talk to yourself, or someone is reflecting your messages back at you.
Primate svoje OTR poruke. Ili želite razgovarati sami sa sobom ili vam netko vraća vaše poruke nazad.
The last message to { $name } was resent.
Zadnja poruka prema { $name } je ponovno poslana.
The encrypted message received from { $name } is unreadable, as you are not currently communicating privately.
Kriptirana poruka primljena od { $name } nije čitljiva jer trenutno ne komunicirate privatno.
You received an unreadable encrypted message from { $name }.
Primili ste nečitljivu kriptiranu poruku od { $name }.
You received a malformed data message from { $name }.
Primili ste deformirane podatke poruke od { $name }.
Heartbeat received from { $name }.
Otkucaj primljen od { $name }.
Heartbeat sent to { $name }.
Otkucaj poslan { $name }.
An unexpected error occurred while trying to protect your conversation using OTR.
Neočekivana greška se javila prilikom pokušaja zaštite razgovora koristeći OTR.
The following message received from { $name } was not encrypted: { $msg }
Sljedeća poruka primljena od { $name } nije kriptirana: { $msg }
You received an unrecognized OTR message from { $name }.
Primili ste neprepoznatljivu OTR poruku od { $name }.
{ $name } has sent a message intended for a different session. If you are logged in multiple times, another session may have received the message.
{ $name } je poslao/a poruku namijenjenu drugoj sesiji. Ukoliko ste se više puta prijavili, druga sesija možda je primila poruku.
Private conversation with { $name } started.
Započeo je privatan razgovor s { $name }.
Encrypted, but unverified conversation with { $name } started.
Započeo je kriptirani, ali neprovjereni razgovor s { $name }.
Successfully refreshed the encrypted conversation with { $name }.
Uspješno je osvježen kriptirani razgovor s { $name }.
An error occurred while encrypting the message.
Došlo je do greške prilikom kriptiranja poruke.
You sent encrypted data to { $name }, who wasn’t expecting it.
Poslali ste kriptirane podatke { $name }, koji ih nije očekivao.
You transmitted an unreadable encrypted message.
Poslali ste nečitljivu kriptiranu poruku.
You transmitted a malformed data message.
Poslali ste deformiranu podatkovnu poruku.
[ponovno pošalji]
{ $name } has ended their encrypted conversation with you; you should do the same.
{ $name } je završio svoj kriptirani razgovor s vama, trebali biste učiniti isto.
{ $name } has requested an Off-the-Record (OTR) encrypted conversation. However, you do not have a plugin to support that. See for more information.
{ $name } je zatražio OTR kriptirani razgovor. Međutim, nemate dodatak koji to podržava. Pogledaje za više informacija.
You attempted to send an unencrypted message to { $name }. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.
Pokušali ste poslati ne kriptiranu poruku prema { $name }. Ne kriptirane poruke nisu dozvoljene prema postavkama.
Not encrypted, and thus more vulnerable to unauthorized access. Note that "encoded" and "encrypted" are not synonyms (see definition for "encoded").
E.G.Your email and authentication are sent unencrypted so your password and your message could easily be read by other people