• Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes

    Mude do { -brand-name-chrome } para o { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos

  • Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Mudar ao { -brand-name-firefox } é rápido, fácil e non ten riscos, porque o { -brand-name-firefox } importa os teus marcadores, contrasinais e preferencias do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Mudar ao { -brand-name-firefox } é rápido, sinxelo e non ten de riscos, porque o { -brand-name-firefox } importa os teus marcadores, preenchementos automáticos, contrasinais e preferencias do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Mudar ao { -brand-name-firefox } é rápido, sinxelo e non ten riscos. O { -brand-name-firefox } importa os teus marcadores, contrasinais e preferencias do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Mudar ao { -brand-name-firefox } é rápido, sinxelo e non ten riscos. O { -brand-name-firefox } importa os teus marcadores, preenchementos automáticos, contrasinais e preferencias do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Select what to take from { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Selecciona o que queres aproveitar do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Let { -brand-name-firefox } do the rest.

    Deixa que o { -brand-name-firefox } faga o resto.

  • You can use { -brand-name-firefox } and still have { -brand-name-chrome }. { -brand-name-chrome } wont change on your machine one bit.

    Podes usar o { -brand-name-firefox } e continuar tendo o { -brand-name-chrome }. O { -brand-name-chrome } non cambiará no teu dispositivo nin un pouco.

  • Spread the word about { -brand-name-firefox } and help your favorite people say goodbye to { -brand-name-chrome }.

    Corre a voz das vantaxes de { -brand-name-firefox } e axuda a túa xente favorita a se despedir do { -brand-name-chrome }.

  • Share with your friends how to switch to { -brand-name-firefox }

    Comparte cos teus amigos como mudar ao { -brand-name-firefox }

  • 🔥 { -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. Try it out!

    🔥 O { -brand-name-firefox } fai que a mudanza desde o { -brand-name-chrome } sexa moi rápida. Próbao!

  • Switch to { -brand-name-firefox }

    Pásate ao { -brand-name-firefox }

  • { -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. I like it a lot, and you should try it.

    O { -brand-name-firefox } fai que a mudanza desde o { -brand-name-chrome } sexa moi rápida. Recoméndocho, eu adoreina.

  • Still not convinced that switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is easy?

    Aínda non estás convencido de que mudar para o { -brand-name-firefox } é fácil?

  • Enjoy the web faster, all set up for you.

    Desfruta da web máis rápido, con todo configurado para ti.

  • Download and switch

    Descárgao e pásate

  • Share to Facebook

    Compárteo en Facebook

  • Share to { -brand-name-facebook }

    Compárteo en { -brand-name-facebook }

  • Share to Bluesky

  • Hey,

    Bo día desde a raposeira,

  • Check it out and let me know what you think:

    Bótalle unha ollada e faime saber o que pensas:

  • Send an email

    Envía un correo electrónico

Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes

Mude do { -brand-name-chrome } para o { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos
  • Sérgio Méndez

    Mude do { -brand-name-chrome } para o { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos

  • User Profile

    Cambia de { -brand-name-chrome } a { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos

  • User Profile

    Cambie de { -brand-name-chrome } a { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos

No terms available.

  • 100%

    Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes

    Mude do { -brand-name-chrome } para o { -brand-name-firefox } en poucos minutos