Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Comprobe se o URL é correcto e ténteo de novo.
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Controle che l'URL al sedi just e torne prove.
The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il file %S. Verifiche il percors e torne prove.
The file at %S is not readable.
No si pues lei il file su %S.
%S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.
Al è pussibil che %S al vedi un probleme temporani o che al sedi stât spostât.
%S sent back an error.
%S al à tornât un erôr.
%S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ %S. Verifiche il non e torne prove.
One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.
Un di chescj (%S) nol è un protocol regjistrât o nol è ametût in chest contest.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si à cirût di contatâ %S.
Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.
Cualchidun che al fâs fente di jessi il sît al podarès cirî di robâti lis tôs informazions. Al è ancje pussibil che lis impostazions di conession no sedin configuradis ben.
The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.
La conession cun %S e je stade terminade in mût inspietât. Po stâi che cualchi part dai dâts e sedi stade trasferide.
The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.
Il timp pe operazion al è scjadût dilunc il tentatîf di conession a %S.
Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.
Il limit di dirotaments par chest URL al è stât superât. Impussibil cjamâ la pagjine domandade. Chest al podarès jessi stât causât di cualchi cookie blocât.
To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Par visualizâ cheste pagjine, la aplicazion e à di tornâ a mandâ informazions che a ripetaran cualsisei azion za eseguide (come une ricercje o une conferme di ordin).
Torne mande
This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document fintant che no tu instalis il Personal Security Manager (PSM). Discjame e instale PSM e torne prove, o contate l'aministradôr di sisteme.
The document contains no data.
Il document nol conten dâts.
This document is no longer available.
Chest document nol è plui disponibil.
This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.
Impussibil visualizâ chest document intant che si lavore fûr rêt. Par tornâ in rêt, tal menù File disative la opzion Lavore fûr rêt.
The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.
Impussibil modificâ il document intant che si è daûr a stampâ o intant che si viôt la anteprime di stampe.
Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.
L'acès ae puarte di rêt indicade al è stât disabilitât par motîfs di sigurece.
The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
Impussibil cjatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.
La conession e je stade refudade cuant che si cirive di contatâ il servidôr proxy che tu âs configurât. Verifiche lis impostazions proxy e torne prove.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e dopre une forme di compression no valide o no supuartade.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
Impussibil visualizâ la pagjine che tu ciris di viodi parcè che e je contignude intun gjenar di file che nol è sigûr vierzi. Contate i proprietaris dal sît par informâju dal probleme.
The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît malevul e al è stât blocât daûr des tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât tant che sît danôs in mût potenziâl e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Il sît su %S al è stât segnalât che al da fûr software malvolût e al è stât blocât in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.
Cheste pagjine web su %S e je stade segnalade tant che sît ingjanôs e e je stade blocade in base aes tôs preferencis di sigurece.
This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche di sigurece dai contignûts che i impedìs di cjariâsi in cheste maniere.
This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.
Cheste pagjine e à une politiche X-Frame-Options che i impedìs di cjariâsi in chest contest.
The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Il sît su %S al à patît une violazion di protocol de rêt che no si pues comedâ.
The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.
Nol è pussibil garantî la sigurece dai tiei dâts su %S par vie che al dopre SSLv3, un protocol di sigurece no afidabil.
The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.
Il proprietari di %S al à configurât il so sît web in maniere sbaliade. Par protezi de robarie lis tôs informazions, la conession a chest sît web e no je stade stabilide.
The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
Il sît web al à cirût di negoziâ un nivel di sigurece inadeguât.
Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.
La tô organizazion e à blocât l'acès a cheste pagjine o sît web.
Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
Firefox al à riscontrât une violazion dal protocol di rêt che no si pues comedâ.
%S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
%S (imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
%S (%S Image)
%S (imagjin %S)
(%S Image, %S × %S pixels)
(Imagjin %S, %S × %S pixels)
(%S Image)
(Imagjin %S)
%S (%S Object)
%S (Ogjet %S)
(%S Object)
(Ogjet %S)
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e conten erôrs.
The image “%S” cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.
Impussibil visualizâ la imagjin “%S” parcè che e à bisugne di funzionalitâts no supuartadis.
Scaled (%S%%)
Ridusude al %S%%
%S — %S
%S - %S
%1$d of %2$d
%1$d di %2$d
Print To File
Stampe suntun file
Printer Error
Erôr di stampe
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Comprobe se o URL é correcto e ténteo de novo.
No terms available.
Please check that the URL is correct and try again.
Comprobe que o URL é correcto e tente de novo.