• Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } Fast, Private & Free from { -brand-name-mozilla }

    Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } Fluch, privee en fergees fan { -brand-name-mozilla }

  • Download { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop from { -brand-name-mozilla }

    Download { -brand-name-firefox } foar Desktop fan { -brand-name-mozilla }

  • Get { -brand-name-firefox }, a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.

    Download { -brand-name-firefox }, in fergeze webbrowser stipe troch { -brand-name-mozilla }, in non-profitorganisaasje dyt harre taleit op ynternetsûnens en privacy. No beskikber op { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } en { -brand-name-ios }.

  • Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } or { -brand-name-linux }. { -brand-name-firefox } is a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.

    Download { -brand-name-firefox } foar { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } of { -brand-name-linux }. { -brand-name-firefox } is in fergeze webbrowser dyt stipe wurdt troch { -brand-name-mozilla }, in non-profitorganisaasje dyt har taleit op ynternetsûnens en privacy.

  • Download the fastest { -brand-name-firefox } ever

    Download de fluchste { -brand-name-firefox } ea

  • Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new { -brand-name-firefox } is here.

    Flugger siden lade, minder ûnthâldgebrûk en fol mei funksjes: de nije { -brand-name-firefox } is hjir.

  • { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

    { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

  • An even newer { -brand-name-firefox } is available. <a { $update_url }>Update to the latest version</a>

    Der is in noch nijere { -brand-name-firefox } beskikber. <a { $update_url }>Bywurkje nei de nijste ferzje</a>

  • Get the browser that protects whats important

    Download de browser dyt beskermet wat wichtich is

  • No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesnt sell you out.

    Gjin skimerich privacybelied of efterdoarkes foar advertearders. Gewoan in razendflugge browser dyt jo net bedriget.

  • Fast, reliable and private for peace of mind online.

  • Download options and other languages

    Downloadopsjes en oare talen

  • { -brand-name-firefox-browser } support

    Stipe foar { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

  • Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>isnt</strong> watching.

    Doch wat jo online dogge. <br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } Sjocht <strong>net</strong> mei.

  • Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } has got you <strong>covered</strong>.

  • How { -brand-name-firefox } compares to other browsers

    Hoe { -brand-name-firefox } him ferhâldt ta oare browsers

  • Get all the speed and tools with none of the invasions of privacy. { -brand-name-firefox-browser } collects so little data about you, we dont even require your email address to download. Thats because unlike other browsers, we have no financial stake in following you around the web.

    Krij alle snelheid en helpmiddelen sûnder ynbreuk op jo privacy. { -brand-name-firefox-browser } sammelet sa min gegevens oer jo, dat wy jo e-mailadres net iens nedich hawwe om te downloaden. Dat komt omdat wy, yn tsjinstelling ta oare browsers, gjin finansjeel belang hawwe om jo op it web te folgjen.

  • How we compare to other browsers

    Hoet wy ús ferhâlde ta oare browsers

  • Compare { -brand-name-firefox } to:

    { -brand-name-firefox } fergelykje mei:

  • { -brand-name-chrome }

    { -brand-name-chrome }

  • { -brand-name-edge }

    { -brand-name-edge }

  • { -brand-name-safari }

    { -brand-name-safari }

  • Yes


  • No


  • Blocks third-party tracking cookies

    Blokkearret tracking-cookies fan tredden

  • Blocks third-party tracking cookies by default

    Blokkearret standert tracking-cookies fan tredden

  • Autoplay blocking

    Automatysk ôfspyljen blokkearje

  • Blocks social trackers

    Blokkearret sosjale trackers

  • OS availability

    Beskikberheid op bestjoeringssystemen

  • In-browser screenshot tool

    Helpmiddel foar skermôfdrukken yn de browser

  • Primary password


  • We block the ad trackers. You explore the internet faster.

    Wy blokkearje de advertinsje-trackers. Jo sneupe flugger oer it ynternet.

  • Ads are distracting and make web pages load slower while their trackers watch every move you make online. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks most trackers automatically, so theres no need to dig into your security settings.

    Advertinsjes liede ôf en soargje derfoar dat websiden stadiger laden wurde, wylst harren trackers al jo online hannelingen folgje. De { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blokkearre de measte trackers automatysk, dus jo hoege jo befeiligingsynstellingen net troch te spitten.

  • See your protection report

    Jo beskermingsrapport besjen

  • { -brand-name-firefox } is for everyone

    { -brand-name-firefox } is foar elkenien

  • Available in over 90 languages, and compatible with { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-linux } machines, { -brand-name-firefox } works no matter what youre using or where you are. Make sure your operating system is up to date for the best experience.

    Beskikber yn mear as 90 talen, en kompatibel mei { -brand-name-windows }-, { -brand-name-mac-short }- en { -brand-name-linux }-masinen, { -brand-name-firefox } wurket ûnachte wat jo brûke of wêrt jo binne. Soargje derfoar dat jo bestjoeringssysteem by-de-tiid is foar de bêste ûnderfining.

  • Review system requirements

    Systeemeasken besjen

  • Put { -brand-name-firefox } on all your devices

    Set { -brand-name-firefox } op al jo apparaten

  • Take your privacy with you everywhere. { -brand-name-firefox-browsers } for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } have the same strong privacy settings to block trackers from following you around the web, no matter where you are.

    Nim jo privacy oeral mei hinne. { -brand-name-firefox-browsers } foar { -brand-name-ios } en { -brand-name-android } hawwe deselde sterke privacyynstellingen om foar te kommen dat trackers jo folgje op ynternet, wêrt jo ek binne.

  • Do it <strong>all</strong> with { -brand-name-firefox }

    Doch it <strong>allegearre</strong> mei { -brand-name-firefox }

  • Search smarter, faster

    Sykje tûker, flugger

  • Search from address bar

    Sykje fan adresbalke út

  • Search engine options


  • Smart search suggestions

    Tûke syksuggesties

  • Bookmark, history and open tab in results

    Blêdwizer, skiednis en iepen ljepblêden yn resultaten

  • Boost your productivity

    Ferheegje jo produktiviteit

  • Works with { -brand-name-google } products

    Wurket mei { -brand-name-google }- produkten

  • Built-in screenshot tool

    Ynboud helpmiddel foar skermôfdrukken

  • Bookmarks manager


  • Autosuggest URLs

    URLs automatysk suggerearje

  • Download the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } on your Mobile for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android }

    Download de { -brand-name-firefox-browser } op jo mobyl foar { -brand-name-ios } en { -brand-name-android }

  • { -brand-name-firefox-browser } for Mobile blocks over 2000 trackers by default, giving you the privacy you deserve and the speed you need in a private mobile browser.

    { -brand-name-firefox-browser } foar mobyl blokkearret standert mear as 2000 trackers, wêrtroch jo de privacy dyt jo fertsjinje en de snelheid dyt jo nedich hawwe yn in privee mobile browser krije.

  • { -brand-name-firefox }

    { -brand-name-firefox }

  • { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

    { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

  • Get the mobile browser built for you, not advertisers

    Download de mobile browser dyt foar jo boud is, net foar advertearders

  • Check out { -brand-name-firefox } again. Its fast, private and on your side. For { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android }.

    Sjoch ris nei { -brand-name-firefox }. It is fluch, privee en stiet oan jo kant. Foar { -brand-name-ios } en { -brand-name-android }.

  • Get automatic privacy on mobile

    Krij automatysk privacy op mobyl

  • Super fast. Private by default. Blocks 2000+ online trackers.

    Superfluch. Standert privee. Blokkearret mear as 2000 online trackers.

  • Get { -brand-name-firefox } Mobile

    Download { -brand-name-firefox } Mobyl

  • Block online trackers and invasive ads

    Blokkearje online trackers en optwingerige advertinsjes

  • Privacy protection by default

    Standert privacybeskerming

  • Leave no trace with <a href="{ $url }">Private Browsing mode</a>. When you close out, your history and cookies are deleted.

    Lit gjin spoaren efter mei <a href="{ $url }">Priveenavigaasje</a>. Wanneart jo ôfslute, wurde jo skiednis en cookies fuortsmiten.

  • Stop companies from following you

    Foarkom dat bedriuwen jo folgje

  • Stay off their radar with <a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox } Tracking Protection</a>

    Bliuw bûten byld mei <a href="{ $url }">Beskerming tsjin folgjen fan { -brand-name-firefox }</a>

  • Discover products that keep you safe

    Untdek produkten dyt jo feilich hâlde

  • Sync your history, passwords, and bookmarks. Send tabs across all of your devices.

    Syngronisearje jo skiednis, wachtwurden en blêdwizers. Ferstjoer ljepblêden nei al jo apparaten.

  • { -brand-name-android } only

    Allinnich { -brand-name-android }

  • Make { -brand-name-android } your own

    Meitsje { -brand-name-android } fan jo

  • Customize your { -brand-name-firefox } mobile browser with extensions.

    Pas jo mobile { -brand-name-firefox }-browser oan mei útwreidingen.

  • Find it fast with a smart search bar

    Fyn it fluch mei in tûke sykbalke

  • { -brand-name-firefox } anticipates your needs with smart search suggestions and quick access to the sites you visit most.

    { -brand-name-firefox } antisipearret op jo behoeften mei tûke syksuggestjes en flugge tagong ta jo meast besochte websites.

  • The privacy you deserve. The speed you need.

    De privacy dyt jo fertsjinje. De snelheid dyt jo nedich hawwe.

  • Get { -brand-name-firefox } for mobile

    Download { -brand-name-firefox } foar mobyl

  • Send a download link to your phone.

    In downloadkeppeling nei jo telefoan ferstjoere.

  • Scan the QR code to get started

    Scan de QR-koade om te begjinnen

  • Scan the QR code to get { -brand-name-firefox } on mobile

    Scan de QR-koade om { -brand-name-firefox } op mobyl te downloaden

Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } Fast, Private & Free from { -brand-name-mozilla }

Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } – Fluch, privee en fergees – fan { -brand-name-mozilla }
  • Fjoerfoks

    Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } Fluch, privee en fergees fan { -brand-name-mozilla }

No terms available.