• Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Protégez vos données personnelles et votre identité

  • Surf the web and use your favorite apps freely without being tracked

    Surfez sur le Web et utilisez vos applications préférées librement sans être pisté·e

  • Keep confidential materials safe via our premium data encryption

    Protégez les documents confidentiels grâce à notre chiffrement de données premium

  • Defense on the go

    Protection lors de vos déplacements

  • Blocks unknown entities from seeing your private data on risky public Wi-Fi and hotspots

    Empêche les inconnus de consulter vos données privées sur les Wi-Fi publics et les points daccès peu sûrs

  • Protection wherever you are, from restaurants to vacation rentals

    Une protection où que vous soyez, des restaurants aux locations de vacances

  • Connect to 30+ countries

    Connectez-vous à plus de 30 pays

  • Browse and access content from all over the world

    Naviguez et accédez à des contenus du monde entier

  • Shop on a regional server to get localized deals like cheaper airfare

    Achetez sur un serveur régional pour obtenir des offres localisées comme des billets davion moins chers

  • Mozilla VPN secures the connection between your device and the web. Heres some of the most useful features your VPN offers:

    Mozilla VPN sécurise la connexion entre votre appareil et le Web. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités les plus utiles offertes par votre VPN :

  • The top uses and benefits of using Mozilla VPN

    Les principaux usages et avantages à utiliser Mozilla VPN

  • Search in your browser

    Recherchez dans votre navigateur

  • Enter a search term like local weather in your browser and see a real-time weather update for your current VPN location.

    Saisissez un terme de recherche tel que « météo locale » dans votre navigateur et consultez la météo en temps réel pour votre emplacement VPN actuel.

  • Sign in to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Traveling abroad and need to access content from back home?

    Vous voyagez à létranger et avez besoin daccéder à du contenu depuis chez vous ?

  • Connect to the country server of your choice

    Connectez-vous au serveur du pays de votre choix

  • Sign on to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Test your geolocation on one of our 400+ worldwide servers in two super simple ways:

    Testez votre géolocalisation sur lun de nos 400 serveurs dans le monde de deux manières très simples :

  • Is my VPN connected to the right server location?

    Mon VPN est-il connecté au bon emplacement de serveur ?

  • How to add a device

    Comment ajouter un appareil

  • Open the Mozilla VPN app on your preferred device

    Ouvrez lapplication Mozilla VPN sur lappareil de votre choix

  • Sign in to your account

    Connectez-vous à votre compte

  • Voila! Your device has been automatically added to your VPN list of connected devices

    Et voilà ! Votre appareil a été automatiquement ajouté à votre liste VPN dappareils connectés

  • How to remove a device

    Comment supprimer un appareil

  • Open Mozilla VPN in your chosen desktop or mobile device

    Ouvrez Mozilla VPN sur lordinateur ou lappareil mobile de votre choix

  • Go to Settings and select My devices

    Rendez-vous dans les paramètres et sélectionnez « Mes appareils »

  • Select the Trash icon next to the device you want to remove from your list of connected devices

    Sélectionnez licône « Corbeille » à côté de lappareil que vous souhaitez supprimer de votre liste dappareils connectés

  • Follow this quick and simple 3 step guide to add and remove all of your devices easily.

    Suivez ce guide simple et rapide en 3 étapes pour ajouter et supprimer facilement tous vos appareils.

  • How do I add and remove devices?

    Comment ajouter et supprimer des appareils ?

  • Multi-hop VPN routes your traffic through two servers instead of one for extra security and privacy. Your browsing experience will be affected by your exit server location.

    Un VPN en cascade achemine votre trafic via deux serveurs au lieu dun seul pour plus de sécurité et de confidentialité. Lemplacement du serveur de « sortie » aura un effet sur votre navigation.

  • Theres a small trade-off for this extra security this may also slow down your connection a bit. You can reduce this effect by choosing servers that are both close to each other as well as to your own location.

    Cette sécurité supplémentaire nécessite de faire un petit compromis : elle peut également ralentir légèrement votre connexion. Vous pouvez atténuer cet effet en choisissant des serveurs proches les uns des autres ainsi que de votre propre emplacement.

  • What is multi-hop VPN?

    Quest-ce quun VPN en cascade ?

  • Mozilla VPN gives you greater control over the types of content you see, on top of protecting your location and browsing activity.

    Mozilla VPN vous donne un meilleur contrôle sur les types de contenu que vous voyez, en plus de protéger votre emplacement et votre activité de navigation.

  • Within the settings page, you can navigate to Privacy Features to see everything youre able to do to enhance your experience.

    Dans la page des paramètres, vous pouvez accéder à « Fonctionnalités de confidentialité » pour voir tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer votre utilisation du VPN.

  • Ad-blocking: Reduces the number of ads you see when youre using VPN.

    Blocage des publicités : réduit le nombre de publicités que vous voyez lorsque vous utilisez le VPN.

  • Tracker-blocking: Fewer harmful domains will be able to track you.

    Blocage des traqueurs : moins de domaines nuisibles pourront vous pister.

  • Block malware: Helps protect you from ransomware, phishing, spyware, viruses, and malware.

    Blocage des logiciels malveillants : vous aide à vous protéger contre les ransomwares, le phishing, les logiciels espions, les virus et les logiciels malveillants.

  • If you activate these features, theyll overwrite any custom DNS youre using. These protections are not a substitute for taking other security precautions for example, while blocking malware you should still avoid downloading attachments in strange emails.

    Si vous activez ces fonctionnalités, elles remplaceront tout DNS personnalisé que vous utilisez. Ces protections ne se substituent pas à dautres précautions en matière de sécurité. Par exemple, même si vous bloquez les logiciels malveillants, vous devez toujours éviter de télécharger les pièces jointes de-mails étranges.

  • Using advanced privacy features

    Utilisation des fonctionnalités de confidentialité avancées

  • Whenever you connect to a website, a DNS (domain name system) first turns the domain name (e.g. www.mozilla.org) into an IP address that allows your internet traffic to reach that destination. Typically, your ISP (internet service provider) provides you with a DNS server that your devices use automatically.

    Chaque fois que vous vous connectez à un site web, pour commencer un DNS (système de noms de domaine) transforme le nom de domaine (par exemple, www.mozilla.org) en une adresse IP qui permet à votre trafic internet datteindre sa destination. Habituellement, votre FAI (fournisseur daccès à Internet) vous fournit un serveur DNS que votre appareil utilise de façon automatique.

  • Mozilla VPN allows you to choose a custom DNS server if you prefer. To use a custom DNS, first go to App preferences, followed by DNS settings. There, youll be able to select Use custom DNS and enter the one youd like to use.

    Mozilla VPN vous permet de choisir un serveur DNS personnalisé si vous préférez. Pour utiliser un DNS personnalisé, rendez-vous dabord dans « Préférences de lapplication », puis dans « Paramètres DNS ». Là, vous pourrez sélectionner « Utiliser un DNS personnalisé » et saisir celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.

  • Using a custom DNS is not a perfect solution. If you use one, you wont be able to use other privacy features in the VPN like tracker blocking. This protection is best used in combination with a browser that also protects your privacy. Like Mozilla Firefox!

    Lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé nest pas une solution parfaite. Si vous en utilisez un, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser dautres fonctionnalités de confidentialité dans le VPN comme le blocage des traqueurs. Il vaut mieux utiliser cette protection en combinaison avec un navigateur qui protège également votre vie privée. Comme Mozilla Firefox !

  • Benefits of using a custom DNS

    Avantages de lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé

  • By default, when you activate Mozilla VPN on your device, all the apps you have in it will have their traffic be automatically encrypted and routed by the VPN.

    Par défaut, quand vous activez Mozilla VPN sur votre appareil, le trafic de toutes les applications qui sy trouvent est automatiquement chiffré et acheminé par le VPN.

  • App exclusions is an advanced feature that allows you to choose specific applications in your device that you prefer are not protected by the VPN.

    Lexclusion dapplications est une fonctionnalité avancée qui permet de choisir des applications particulières installées sur votre appareil que vous préférez ne pas être protégées par le VPN.

  • Generally speaking, this feature can be useful in situations where youd like certain applications to connect a bit faster by not routing their traffic via a VPN.

    De manière générale, cette fonctionnalité peut se révéler utile dans des situations où vous souhaitez que certaines applications se connectent un peu plus vite en nacheminant pas leur trafic via un VPN.

  • Another popular reason to consider using this feature is if your mobile data provider offers you unmetered usage to specific services, like certain instant messaging apps. In those cases, you may want to consider excluding those apps using this feature, such that your mobile data provider can effectively consider that traffic free of charge.

    Une autre raison fréquente denvisager lutilisation de cette fonctionnalité, cest quand votre fournisseur de données mobiles vous offre lusage illimité de services particuliers, comme des applications de messagerie instantanée. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez envisager dexclure ces applications grâce à cette fonctionnalité, pour que votre fournisseur de données mobiles puisse effectivement appliquer la gratuité à ce trafic.

  • Why you should use app exclusions

    Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser lexclusion dapplications

  • When you use Mozilla VPN, your internet activity is encrypted and routed through servers based in a location of your choice.

    Lorsque vous utilisez Mozilla VPN, votre activité Internet est chiffrée et acheminée via des serveurs situés à lemplacement de votre choix.

  • Sometimes, you might pick a location for a specific purpose; for example, if youre traveling internationally, you could choose a server location in your home country so that your banking apps function more smoothly.

    Parfois, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement dans un but précis ; par exemple, si vous voyagez à létranger, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement de serveur dans votre pays dorigine afin que vos applications bancaires fonctionnent plus facilement.

  • Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Protégez vos données personnelles et votre identité

  • Surf the web and use your favorite apps freely without being tracked

    Surfez sur le Web et utilisez vos applications préférées librement sans être pisté·e

  • Keep confidential materials safe via our premium data encryption

    Protégez les documents confidentiels grâce à notre chiffrement de données premium

  • Defense on the go

    Protection lors de vos déplacements

  • Blocks unknown entities from seeing your private data on risky public Wi-Fi and hotspots

    Empêche les inconnus de consulter vos données privées sur les Wi-Fi publics et les points daccès peu sûrs

  • Protection wherever you are, from restaurants to vacation rentals

    Une protection où que vous soyez, des restaurants aux locations de vacances

  • Connect to 30+ countries

    Connectez-vous à plus de 30 pays

  • Browse and access content from all over the world

    Naviguez et accédez à des contenus du monde entier

  • Shop on a regional server to get localized deals like cheaper airfare

    Achetez sur un serveur régional pour obtenir des offres localisées comme des billets davion moins chers

  • Mozilla VPN secures the connection between your device and the web. Heres some of the most useful features your VPN offers:

    Mozilla VPN sécurise la connexion entre votre appareil et le Web. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités les plus utiles offertes par votre VPN :

  • The top uses and benefits of using Mozilla VPN

    Les principaux usages et avantages à utiliser Mozilla VPN

  • Search in your browser

    Recherchez dans votre navigateur

  • Enter a search term like local weather in your browser and see a real-time weather update for your current VPN location.

    Saisissez un terme de recherche tel que « météo locale » dans votre navigateur et consultez la météo en temps réel pour votre emplacement VPN actuel.

  • Sign in to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Traveling abroad and need to access content from back home?

    Vous voyagez à létranger et avez besoin daccéder à du contenu depuis chez vous ?

  • Connect to the country server of your choice

    Connectez-vous au serveur du pays de votre choix

  • Sign on to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Test your geolocation on one of our 400+ worldwide servers in two super simple ways:

    Testez votre géolocalisation sur lun de nos 400 serveurs dans le monde de deux manières très simples :

  • Is my VPN connected to the right server location?

    Mon VPN est-il connecté au bon emplacement de serveur ?

  • How to add a device

    Comment ajouter un appareil

  • Open the Mozilla VPN app on your preferred device

    Ouvrez lapplication Mozilla VPN sur lappareil de votre choix

  • Sign in to your account

    Connectez-vous à votre compte

  • Voila! Your device has been automatically added to your VPN list of connected devices

    Et voilà ! Votre appareil a été automatiquement ajouté à votre liste VPN dappareils connectés

  • How to remove a device

    Comment supprimer un appareil

  • Open Mozilla VPN in your chosen desktop or mobile device

    Ouvrez Mozilla VPN sur lordinateur ou lappareil mobile de votre choix

  • Go to Settings and select My devices

    Rendez-vous dans les paramètres et sélectionnez « Mes appareils »

  • Select the Trash icon next to the device you want to remove from your list of connected devices

    Sélectionnez licône « Corbeille » à côté de lappareil que vous souhaitez supprimer de votre liste dappareils connectés

  • Follow this quick and simple 3 step guide to add and remove all of your devices easily.

    Suivez ce guide simple et rapide en 3 étapes pour ajouter et supprimer facilement tous vos appareils.

  • How do I add and remove devices?

    Comment ajouter et supprimer des appareils ?

  • Multi-hop VPN routes your traffic through two servers instead of one for extra security and privacy. Your browsing experience will be affected by your exit server location.

    Un VPN en cascade achemine votre trafic via deux serveurs au lieu dun seul pour plus de sécurité et de confidentialité. Lemplacement du serveur de « sortie » aura un effet sur votre navigation.

  • Theres a small trade-off for this extra security this may also slow down your connection a bit. You can reduce this effect by choosing servers that are both close to each other as well as to your own location.

    Cette sécurité supplémentaire nécessite de faire un petit compromis : elle peut également ralentir légèrement votre connexion. Vous pouvez atténuer cet effet en choisissant des serveurs proches les uns des autres ainsi que de votre propre emplacement.

  • What is multi-hop VPN?

    Quest-ce quun VPN en cascade ?

  • Mozilla VPN gives you greater control over the types of content you see, on top of protecting your location and browsing activity.

    Mozilla VPN vous donne un meilleur contrôle sur les types de contenu que vous voyez, en plus de protéger votre emplacement et votre activité de navigation.

  • Within the settings page, you can navigate to Privacy Features to see everything youre able to do to enhance your experience.

    Dans la page des paramètres, vous pouvez accéder à « Fonctionnalités de confidentialité » pour voir tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer votre utilisation du VPN.

  • Ad-blocking: Reduces the number of ads you see when youre using VPN.

    Blocage des publicités : réduit le nombre de publicités que vous voyez lorsque vous utilisez le VPN.

  • Tracker-blocking: Fewer harmful domains will be able to track you.

    Blocage des traqueurs : moins de domaines nuisibles pourront vous pister.

  • Block malware: Helps protect you from ransomware, phishing, spyware, viruses, and malware.

    Blocage des logiciels malveillants : vous aide à vous protéger contre les ransomwares, le phishing, les logiciels espions, les virus et les logiciels malveillants.

  • If you activate these features, theyll overwrite any custom DNS youre using. These protections are not a substitute for taking other security precautions for example, while blocking malware you should still avoid downloading attachments in strange emails.

    Si vous activez ces fonctionnalités, elles remplaceront tout DNS personnalisé que vous utilisez. Ces protections ne se substituent pas à dautres précautions en matière de sécurité. Par exemple, même si vous bloquez les logiciels malveillants, vous devez toujours éviter de télécharger les pièces jointes de-mails étranges.

  • Using advanced privacy features

    Utilisation des fonctionnalités de confidentialité avancées

  • Whenever you connect to a website, a DNS (domain name system) first turns the domain name (e.g. www.mozilla.org) into an IP address that allows your internet traffic to reach that destination. Typically, your ISP (internet service provider) provides you with a DNS server that your devices use automatically.

    Chaque fois que vous vous connectez à un site web, pour commencer un DNS (système de noms de domaine) transforme le nom de domaine (par exemple, www.mozilla.org) en une adresse IP qui permet à votre trafic internet datteindre sa destination. Habituellement, votre FAI (fournisseur daccès à Internet) vous fournit un serveur DNS que votre appareil utilise de façon automatique.

  • Mozilla VPN allows you to choose a custom DNS server if you prefer. To use a custom DNS, first go to App preferences, followed by DNS settings. There, youll be able to select Use custom DNS and enter the one youd like to use.

    Mozilla VPN vous permet de choisir un serveur DNS personnalisé si vous préférez. Pour utiliser un DNS personnalisé, rendez-vous dabord dans « Préférences de lapplication », puis dans « Paramètres DNS ». Là, vous pourrez sélectionner « Utiliser un DNS personnalisé » et saisir celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.

  • Using a custom DNS is not a perfect solution. If you use one, you wont be able to use other privacy features in the VPN like tracker blocking. This protection is best used in combination with a browser that also protects your privacy. Like Mozilla Firefox!

    Lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé nest pas une solution parfaite. Si vous en utilisez un, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser dautres fonctionnalités de confidentialité dans le VPN comme le blocage des traqueurs. Il vaut mieux utiliser cette protection en combinaison avec un navigateur qui protège également votre vie privée. Comme Mozilla Firefox !

  • Benefits of using a custom DNS

    Avantages de lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé

  • By default, when you activate Mozilla VPN on your device, all the apps you have in it will have their traffic be automatically encrypted and routed by the VPN.

    Par défaut, quand vous activez Mozilla VPN sur votre appareil, le trafic de toutes les applications qui sy trouvent est automatiquement chiffré et acheminé par le VPN.

  • App exclusions is an advanced feature that allows you to choose specific applications in your device that you prefer are not protected by the VPN.

    Lexclusion dapplications est une fonctionnalité avancée qui permet de choisir des applications particulières installées sur votre appareil que vous préférez ne pas être protégées par le VPN.

  • Generally speaking, this feature can be useful in situations where youd like certain applications to connect a bit faster by not routing their traffic via a VPN.

    De manière générale, cette fonctionnalité peut se révéler utile dans des situations où vous souhaitez que certaines applications se connectent un peu plus vite en nacheminant pas leur trafic via un VPN.

  • Another popular reason to consider using this feature is if your mobile data provider offers you unmetered usage to specific services, like certain instant messaging apps. In those cases, you may want to consider excluding those apps using this feature, such that your mobile data provider can effectively consider that traffic free of charge.

    Une autre raison fréquente denvisager lutilisation de cette fonctionnalité, cest quand votre fournisseur de données mobiles vous offre lusage illimité de services particuliers, comme des applications de messagerie instantanée. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez envisager dexclure ces applications grâce à cette fonctionnalité, pour que votre fournisseur de données mobiles puisse effectivement appliquer la gratuité à ce trafic.

  • Why you should use app exclusions

    Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser lexclusion dapplications

  • When you use Mozilla VPN, your internet activity is encrypted and routed through servers based in a location of your choice.

    Lorsque vous utilisez Mozilla VPN, votre activité Internet est chiffrée et acheminée via des serveurs situés à lemplacement de votre choix.

  • Sometimes, you might pick a location for a specific purpose; for example, if youre traveling internationally, you could choose a server location in your home country so that your banking apps function more smoothly.

    Parfois, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement dans un but précis ; par exemple, si vous voyagez à létranger, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement de serveur dans votre pays dorigine afin que vos applications bancaires fonctionnent plus facilement.

  • Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Protégez vos données personnelles et votre identité

  • Surf the web and use your favorite apps freely without being tracked

    Surfez sur le Web et utilisez vos applications préférées librement sans être pisté·e

  • Keep confidential materials safe via our premium data encryption

    Protégez les documents confidentiels grâce à notre chiffrement de données premium

  • Defense on the go

    Protection lors de vos déplacements

  • Blocks unknown entities from seeing your private data on risky public Wi-Fi and hotspots

    Empêche les inconnus de consulter vos données privées sur les Wi-Fi publics et les points daccès peu sûrs

  • Protection wherever you are, from restaurants to vacation rentals

    Une protection où que vous soyez, des restaurants aux locations de vacances

  • Connect to 30+ countries

    Connectez-vous à plus de 30 pays

  • Browse and access content from all over the world

    Naviguez et accédez à des contenus du monde entier

  • Shop on a regional server to get localized deals like cheaper airfare

    Achetez sur un serveur régional pour obtenir des offres localisées comme des billets davion moins chers

  • Mozilla VPN secures the connection between your device and the web. Heres some of the most useful features your VPN offers:

    Mozilla VPN sécurise la connexion entre votre appareil et le Web. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités les plus utiles offertes par votre VPN :

  • The top uses and benefits of using Mozilla VPN

    Les principaux usages et avantages à utiliser Mozilla VPN

  • Search in your browser

    Recherchez dans votre navigateur

  • Enter a search term like local weather in your browser and see a real-time weather update for your current VPN location.

    Saisissez un terme de recherche tel que « météo locale » dans votre navigateur et consultez la météo en temps réel pour votre emplacement VPN actuel.

  • Sign in to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Traveling abroad and need to access content from back home?

    Vous voyagez à létranger et avez besoin daccéder à du contenu depuis chez vous ?

  • Connect to the country server of your choice

    Connectez-vous au serveur du pays de votre choix

  • Sign on to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Test your geolocation on one of our 400+ worldwide servers in two super simple ways:

    Testez votre géolocalisation sur lun de nos 400 serveurs dans le monde de deux manières très simples :

  • Is my VPN connected to the right server location?

    Mon VPN est-il connecté au bon emplacement de serveur ?

  • How to add a device

    Comment ajouter un appareil

  • Open the Mozilla VPN app on your preferred device

    Ouvrez lapplication Mozilla VPN sur lappareil de votre choix

  • Sign in to your account

    Connectez-vous à votre compte

  • Voila! Your device has been automatically added to your VPN list of connected devices

    Et voilà ! Votre appareil a été automatiquement ajouté à votre liste VPN dappareils connectés

  • How to remove a device

    Comment supprimer un appareil

  • Open Mozilla VPN in your chosen desktop or mobile device

    Ouvrez Mozilla VPN sur lordinateur ou lappareil mobile de votre choix

  • Go to Settings and select My devices

    Rendez-vous dans les paramètres et sélectionnez « Mes appareils »

  • Select the Trash icon next to the device you want to remove from your list of connected devices

    Sélectionnez licône « Corbeille » à côté de lappareil que vous souhaitez supprimer de votre liste dappareils connectés

  • Follow this quick and simple 3 step guide to add and remove all of your devices easily.

    Suivez ce guide simple et rapide en 3 étapes pour ajouter et supprimer facilement tous vos appareils.

  • How do I add and remove devices?

    Comment ajouter et supprimer des appareils ?

  • Multi-hop VPN routes your traffic through two servers instead of one for extra security and privacy. Your browsing experience will be affected by your exit server location.

    Un VPN en cascade achemine votre trafic via deux serveurs au lieu dun seul pour plus de sécurité et de confidentialité. Lemplacement du serveur de « sortie » aura un effet sur votre navigation.

  • Theres a small trade-off for this extra security this may also slow down your connection a bit. You can reduce this effect by choosing servers that are both close to each other as well as to your own location.

    Cette sécurité supplémentaire nécessite de faire un petit compromis : elle peut également ralentir légèrement votre connexion. Vous pouvez atténuer cet effet en choisissant des serveurs proches les uns des autres ainsi que de votre propre emplacement.

  • What is multi-hop VPN?

    Quest-ce quun VPN en cascade ?

  • Mozilla VPN gives you greater control over the types of content you see, on top of protecting your location and browsing activity.

    Mozilla VPN vous donne un meilleur contrôle sur les types de contenu que vous voyez, en plus de protéger votre emplacement et votre activité de navigation.

  • Within the settings page, you can navigate to Privacy Features to see everything youre able to do to enhance your experience.

    Dans la page des paramètres, vous pouvez accéder à « Fonctionnalités de confidentialité » pour voir tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer votre utilisation du VPN.

  • Ad-blocking: Reduces the number of ads you see when youre using VPN.

    Blocage des publicités : réduit le nombre de publicités que vous voyez lorsque vous utilisez le VPN.

  • Tracker-blocking: Fewer harmful domains will be able to track you.

    Blocage des traqueurs : moins de domaines nuisibles pourront vous pister.

  • Block malware: Helps protect you from ransomware, phishing, spyware, viruses, and malware.

    Blocage des logiciels malveillants : vous aide à vous protéger contre les ransomwares, le phishing, les logiciels espions, les virus et les logiciels malveillants.

  • If you activate these features, theyll overwrite any custom DNS youre using. These protections are not a substitute for taking other security precautions for example, while blocking malware you should still avoid downloading attachments in strange emails.

    Si vous activez ces fonctionnalités, elles remplaceront tout DNS personnalisé que vous utilisez. Ces protections ne se substituent pas à dautres précautions en matière de sécurité. Par exemple, même si vous bloquez les logiciels malveillants, vous devez toujours éviter de télécharger les pièces jointes de-mails étranges.

  • Using advanced privacy features

    Utilisation des fonctionnalités de confidentialité avancées

  • Whenever you connect to a website, a DNS (domain name system) first turns the domain name (e.g. www.mozilla.org) into an IP address that allows your internet traffic to reach that destination. Typically, your ISP (internet service provider) provides you with a DNS server that your devices use automatically.

    Chaque fois que vous vous connectez à un site web, pour commencer un DNS (système de noms de domaine) transforme le nom de domaine (par exemple, www.mozilla.org) en une adresse IP qui permet à votre trafic internet datteindre sa destination. Habituellement, votre FAI (fournisseur daccès à Internet) vous fournit un serveur DNS que votre appareil utilise de façon automatique.

  • Mozilla VPN allows you to choose a custom DNS server if you prefer. To use a custom DNS, first go to App preferences, followed by DNS settings. There, youll be able to select Use custom DNS and enter the one youd like to use.

    Mozilla VPN vous permet de choisir un serveur DNS personnalisé si vous préférez. Pour utiliser un DNS personnalisé, rendez-vous dabord dans « Préférences de lapplication », puis dans « Paramètres DNS ». Là, vous pourrez sélectionner « Utiliser un DNS personnalisé » et saisir celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.

  • Using a custom DNS is not a perfect solution. If you use one, you wont be able to use other privacy features in the VPN like tracker blocking. This protection is best used in combination with a browser that also protects your privacy. Like Mozilla Firefox!

    Lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé nest pas une solution parfaite. Si vous en utilisez un, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser dautres fonctionnalités de confidentialité dans le VPN comme le blocage des traqueurs. Il vaut mieux utiliser cette protection en combinaison avec un navigateur qui protège également votre vie privée. Comme Mozilla Firefox !

  • Benefits of using a custom DNS

    Avantages de lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé

  • By default, when you activate Mozilla VPN on your device, all the apps you have in it will have their traffic be automatically encrypted and routed by the VPN.

    Par défaut, quand vous activez Mozilla VPN sur votre appareil, le trafic de toutes les applications qui sy trouvent est automatiquement chiffré et acheminé par le VPN.

  • App exclusions is an advanced feature that allows you to choose specific applications in your device that you prefer are not protected by the VPN.

    Lexclusion dapplications est une fonctionnalité avancée qui permet de choisir des applications particulières installées sur votre appareil que vous préférez ne pas être protégées par le VPN.

  • Generally speaking, this feature can be useful in situations where youd like certain applications to connect a bit faster by not routing their traffic via a VPN.

    De manière générale, cette fonctionnalité peut se révéler utile dans des situations où vous souhaitez que certaines applications se connectent un peu plus vite en nacheminant pas leur trafic via un VPN.

  • Another popular reason to consider using this feature is if your mobile data provider offers you unmetered usage to specific services, like certain instant messaging apps. In those cases, you may want to consider excluding those apps using this feature, such that your mobile data provider can effectively consider that traffic free of charge.

    Une autre raison fréquente denvisager lutilisation de cette fonctionnalité, cest quand votre fournisseur de données mobiles vous offre lusage illimité de services particuliers, comme des applications de messagerie instantanée. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez envisager dexclure ces applications grâce à cette fonctionnalité, pour que votre fournisseur de données mobiles puisse effectivement appliquer la gratuité à ce trafic.

  • Why you should use app exclusions

    Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser lexclusion dapplications

  • When you use Mozilla VPN, your internet activity is encrypted and routed through servers based in a location of your choice.

    Lorsque vous utilisez Mozilla VPN, votre activité Internet est chiffrée et acheminée via des serveurs situés à lemplacement de votre choix.

  • Sometimes, you might pick a location for a specific purpose; for example, if youre traveling internationally, you could choose a server location in your home country so that your banking apps function more smoothly.

    Parfois, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement dans un but précis ; par exemple, si vous voyagez à létranger, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement de serveur dans votre pays dorigine afin que vos applications bancaires fonctionnent plus facilement.

  • Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Protégez vos données personnelles et votre identité

  • Surf the web and use your favorite apps freely without being tracked

    Surfez sur le Web et utilisez vos applications préférées librement sans être pisté·e

  • Keep confidential materials safe via our premium data encryption

    Protégez les documents confidentiels grâce à notre chiffrement de données premium

  • Defense on the go

    Protection lors de vos déplacements

  • Blocks unknown entities from seeing your private data on risky public Wi-Fi and hotspots

    Empêche les inconnus de consulter vos données privées sur les Wi-Fi publics et les points daccès peu sûrs

  • Protection wherever you are, from restaurants to vacation rentals

    Une protection où que vous soyez, des restaurants aux locations de vacances

  • Connect to 30+ countries

    Connectez-vous à plus de 30 pays

  • Browse and access content from all over the world

    Naviguez et accédez à des contenus du monde entier

  • Shop on a regional server to get localized deals like cheaper airfare

    Achetez sur un serveur régional pour obtenir des offres localisées comme des billets davion moins chers

  • Mozilla VPN secures the connection between your device and the web. Heres some of the most useful features your VPN offers:

    Mozilla VPN sécurise la connexion entre votre appareil et le Web. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités les plus utiles offertes par votre VPN :

  • The top uses and benefits of using Mozilla VPN

    Les principaux usages et avantages à utiliser Mozilla VPN

  • Search in your browser

    Recherchez dans votre navigateur

  • Enter a search term like local weather in your browser and see a real-time weather update for your current VPN location.

    Saisissez un terme de recherche tel que « météo locale » dans votre navigateur et consultez la météo en temps réel pour votre emplacement VPN actuel.

  • Sign in to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Traveling abroad and need to access content from back home?

    Vous voyagez à létranger et avez besoin daccéder à du contenu depuis chez vous ?

  • Connect to the country server of your choice

    Connectez-vous au serveur du pays de votre choix

  • Sign on to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Test your geolocation on one of our 400+ worldwide servers in two super simple ways:

    Testez votre géolocalisation sur lun de nos 400 serveurs dans le monde de deux manières très simples :

  • Is my VPN connected to the right server location?

    Mon VPN est-il connecté au bon emplacement de serveur ?

  • How to add a device

    Comment ajouter un appareil

  • Open the Mozilla VPN app on your preferred device

    Ouvrez lapplication Mozilla VPN sur lappareil de votre choix

  • Sign in to your account

    Connectez-vous à votre compte

  • Voila! Your device has been automatically added to your VPN list of connected devices

    Et voilà ! Votre appareil a été automatiquement ajouté à votre liste VPN dappareils connectés

  • How to remove a device

    Comment supprimer un appareil

  • Open Mozilla VPN in your chosen desktop or mobile device

    Ouvrez Mozilla VPN sur lordinateur ou lappareil mobile de votre choix

  • Go to Settings and select My devices

    Rendez-vous dans les paramètres et sélectionnez « Mes appareils »

  • Select the Trash icon next to the device you want to remove from your list of connected devices

    Sélectionnez licône « Corbeille » à côté de lappareil que vous souhaitez supprimer de votre liste dappareils connectés

  • Follow this quick and simple 3 step guide to add and remove all of your devices easily.

    Suivez ce guide simple et rapide en 3 étapes pour ajouter et supprimer facilement tous vos appareils.

  • How do I add and remove devices?

    Comment ajouter et supprimer des appareils ?

  • Multi-hop VPN routes your traffic through two servers instead of one for extra security and privacy. Your browsing experience will be affected by your exit server location.

    Un VPN en cascade achemine votre trafic via deux serveurs au lieu dun seul pour plus de sécurité et de confidentialité. Lemplacement du serveur de « sortie » aura un effet sur votre navigation.

  • Theres a small trade-off for this extra security this may also slow down your connection a bit. You can reduce this effect by choosing servers that are both close to each other as well as to your own location.

    Cette sécurité supplémentaire nécessite de faire un petit compromis : elle peut également ralentir légèrement votre connexion. Vous pouvez atténuer cet effet en choisissant des serveurs proches les uns des autres ainsi que de votre propre emplacement.

  • What is multi-hop VPN?

    Quest-ce quun VPN en cascade ?

  • Mozilla VPN gives you greater control over the types of content you see, on top of protecting your location and browsing activity.

    Mozilla VPN vous donne un meilleur contrôle sur les types de contenu que vous voyez, en plus de protéger votre emplacement et votre activité de navigation.

  • Within the settings page, you can navigate to Privacy Features to see everything youre able to do to enhance your experience.

    Dans la page des paramètres, vous pouvez accéder à « Fonctionnalités de confidentialité » pour voir tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer votre utilisation du VPN.

  • Ad-blocking: Reduces the number of ads you see when youre using VPN.

    Blocage des publicités : réduit le nombre de publicités que vous voyez lorsque vous utilisez le VPN.

  • Tracker-blocking: Fewer harmful domains will be able to track you.

    Blocage des traqueurs : moins de domaines nuisibles pourront vous pister.

  • Block malware: Helps protect you from ransomware, phishing, spyware, viruses, and malware.

    Blocage des logiciels malveillants : vous aide à vous protéger contre les ransomwares, le phishing, les logiciels espions, les virus et les logiciels malveillants.

  • If you activate these features, theyll overwrite any custom DNS youre using. These protections are not a substitute for taking other security precautions for example, while blocking malware you should still avoid downloading attachments in strange emails.

    Si vous activez ces fonctionnalités, elles remplaceront tout DNS personnalisé que vous utilisez. Ces protections ne se substituent pas à dautres précautions en matière de sécurité. Par exemple, même si vous bloquez les logiciels malveillants, vous devez toujours éviter de télécharger les pièces jointes de-mails étranges.

  • Using advanced privacy features

    Utilisation des fonctionnalités de confidentialité avancées

  • Whenever you connect to a website, a DNS (domain name system) first turns the domain name (e.g. www.mozilla.org) into an IP address that allows your internet traffic to reach that destination. Typically, your ISP (internet service provider) provides you with a DNS server that your devices use automatically.

    Chaque fois que vous vous connectez à un site web, pour commencer un DNS (système de noms de domaine) transforme le nom de domaine (par exemple, www.mozilla.org) en une adresse IP qui permet à votre trafic internet datteindre sa destination. Habituellement, votre FAI (fournisseur daccès à Internet) vous fournit un serveur DNS que votre appareil utilise de façon automatique.

  • Mozilla VPN allows you to choose a custom DNS server if you prefer. To use a custom DNS, first go to App preferences, followed by DNS settings. There, youll be able to select Use custom DNS and enter the one youd like to use.

    Mozilla VPN vous permet de choisir un serveur DNS personnalisé si vous préférez. Pour utiliser un DNS personnalisé, rendez-vous dabord dans « Préférences de lapplication », puis dans « Paramètres DNS ». Là, vous pourrez sélectionner « Utiliser un DNS personnalisé » et saisir celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.

  • Using a custom DNS is not a perfect solution. If you use one, you wont be able to use other privacy features in the VPN like tracker blocking. This protection is best used in combination with a browser that also protects your privacy. Like Mozilla Firefox!

    Lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé nest pas une solution parfaite. Si vous en utilisez un, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser dautres fonctionnalités de confidentialité dans le VPN comme le blocage des traqueurs. Il vaut mieux utiliser cette protection en combinaison avec un navigateur qui protège également votre vie privée. Comme Mozilla Firefox !

  • Benefits of using a custom DNS

    Avantages de lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé

  • By default, when you activate Mozilla VPN on your device, all the apps you have in it will have their traffic be automatically encrypted and routed by the VPN.

    Par défaut, quand vous activez Mozilla VPN sur votre appareil, le trafic de toutes les applications qui sy trouvent est automatiquement chiffré et acheminé par le VPN.

  • App exclusions is an advanced feature that allows you to choose specific applications in your device that you prefer are not protected by the VPN.

    Lexclusion dapplications est une fonctionnalité avancée qui permet de choisir des applications particulières installées sur votre appareil que vous préférez ne pas être protégées par le VPN.

  • Generally speaking, this feature can be useful in situations where youd like certain applications to connect a bit faster by not routing their traffic via a VPN.

    De manière générale, cette fonctionnalité peut se révéler utile dans des situations où vous souhaitez que certaines applications se connectent un peu plus vite en nacheminant pas leur trafic via un VPN.

  • Another popular reason to consider using this feature is if your mobile data provider offers you unmetered usage to specific services, like certain instant messaging apps. In those cases, you may want to consider excluding those apps using this feature, such that your mobile data provider can effectively consider that traffic free of charge.

    Une autre raison fréquente denvisager lutilisation de cette fonctionnalité, cest quand votre fournisseur de données mobiles vous offre lusage illimité de services particuliers, comme des applications de messagerie instantanée. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez envisager dexclure ces applications grâce à cette fonctionnalité, pour que votre fournisseur de données mobiles puisse effectivement appliquer la gratuité à ce trafic.

  • Why you should use app exclusions

    Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser lexclusion dapplications

  • When you use Mozilla VPN, your internet activity is encrypted and routed through servers based in a location of your choice.

    Lorsque vous utilisez Mozilla VPN, votre activité Internet est chiffrée et acheminée via des serveurs situés à lemplacement de votre choix.

  • Sometimes, you might pick a location for a specific purpose; for example, if youre traveling internationally, you could choose a server location in your home country so that your banking apps function more smoothly.

    Parfois, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement dans un but précis ; par exemple, si vous voyagez à létranger, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement de serveur dans votre pays dorigine afin que vos applications bancaires fonctionnent plus facilement.

  • Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Protégez vos données personnelles et votre identité

  • Surf the web and use your favorite apps freely without being tracked

    Surfez sur le Web et utilisez vos applications préférées librement sans être pisté·e

  • Keep confidential materials safe via our premium data encryption

    Protégez les documents confidentiels grâce à notre chiffrement de données premium

  • Defense on the go

    Protection lors de vos déplacements

  • Blocks unknown entities from seeing your private data on risky public Wi-Fi and hotspots

    Empêche les inconnus de consulter vos données privées sur les Wi-Fi publics et les points daccès peu sûrs

  • Protection wherever you are, from restaurants to vacation rentals

    Une protection où que vous soyez, des restaurants aux locations de vacances

  • Connect to 30+ countries

    Connectez-vous à plus de 30 pays

  • Browse and access content from all over the world

    Naviguez et accédez à des contenus du monde entier

  • Shop on a regional server to get localized deals like cheaper airfare

    Achetez sur un serveur régional pour obtenir des offres localisées comme des billets davion moins chers

  • Mozilla VPN secures the connection between your device and the web. Heres some of the most useful features your VPN offers:

    Mozilla VPN sécurise la connexion entre votre appareil et le Web. Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités les plus utiles offertes par votre VPN :

  • The top uses and benefits of using Mozilla VPN

    Les principaux usages et avantages à utiliser Mozilla VPN

  • Search in your browser

    Recherchez dans votre navigateur

  • Enter a search term like local weather in your browser and see a real-time weather update for your current VPN location.

    Saisissez un terme de recherche tel que « météo locale » dans votre navigateur et consultez la météo en temps réel pour votre emplacement VPN actuel.

  • Sign in to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Traveling abroad and need to access content from back home?

    Vous voyagez à létranger et avez besoin daccéder à du contenu depuis chez vous ?

  • Connect to the country server of your choice

    Connectez-vous au serveur du pays de votre choix

  • Sign on to your favorite app or streaming site

    Connectez-vous à votre application ou site de streaming préféré

  • Test your geolocation on one of our 400+ worldwide servers in two super simple ways:

    Testez votre géolocalisation sur lun de nos 400 serveurs dans le monde de deux manières très simples :

  • Is my VPN connected to the right server location?

    Mon VPN est-il connecté au bon emplacement de serveur ?

  • How to add a device

    Comment ajouter un appareil

  • Open the Mozilla VPN app on your preferred device

    Ouvrez lapplication Mozilla VPN sur lappareil de votre choix

  • Sign in to your account

    Connectez-vous à votre compte

  • Voila! Your device has been automatically added to your VPN list of connected devices

    Et voilà ! Votre appareil a été automatiquement ajouté à votre liste VPN dappareils connectés

  • How to remove a device

    Comment supprimer un appareil

  • Open Mozilla VPN in your chosen desktop or mobile device

    Ouvrez Mozilla VPN sur lordinateur ou lappareil mobile de votre choix

  • Go to Settings and select My devices

    Rendez-vous dans les paramètres et sélectionnez « Mes appareils »

  • Select the Trash icon next to the device you want to remove from your list of connected devices

    Sélectionnez licône « Corbeille » à côté de lappareil que vous souhaitez supprimer de votre liste dappareils connectés

  • Follow this quick and simple 3 step guide to add and remove all of your devices easily.

    Suivez ce guide simple et rapide en 3 étapes pour ajouter et supprimer facilement tous vos appareils.

  • How do I add and remove devices?

    Comment ajouter et supprimer des appareils ?

  • Multi-hop VPN routes your traffic through two servers instead of one for extra security and privacy. Your browsing experience will be affected by your exit server location.

    Un VPN en cascade achemine votre trafic via deux serveurs au lieu dun seul pour plus de sécurité et de confidentialité. Lemplacement du serveur de « sortie » aura un effet sur votre navigation.

  • Theres a small trade-off for this extra security this may also slow down your connection a bit. You can reduce this effect by choosing servers that are both close to each other as well as to your own location.

    Cette sécurité supplémentaire nécessite de faire un petit compromis : elle peut également ralentir légèrement votre connexion. Vous pouvez atténuer cet effet en choisissant des serveurs proches les uns des autres ainsi que de votre propre emplacement.

  • What is multi-hop VPN?

    Quest-ce quun VPN en cascade ?

  • Mozilla VPN gives you greater control over the types of content you see, on top of protecting your location and browsing activity.

    Mozilla VPN vous donne un meilleur contrôle sur les types de contenu que vous voyez, en plus de protéger votre emplacement et votre activité de navigation.

  • Within the settings page, you can navigate to Privacy Features to see everything youre able to do to enhance your experience.

    Dans la page des paramètres, vous pouvez accéder à « Fonctionnalités de confidentialité » pour voir tout ce que vous pouvez faire pour améliorer votre utilisation du VPN.

  • Ad-blocking: Reduces the number of ads you see when youre using VPN.

    Blocage des publicités : réduit le nombre de publicités que vous voyez lorsque vous utilisez le VPN.

  • Tracker-blocking: Fewer harmful domains will be able to track you.

    Blocage des traqueurs : moins de domaines nuisibles pourront vous pister.

  • Block malware: Helps protect you from ransomware, phishing, spyware, viruses, and malware.

    Blocage des logiciels malveillants : vous aide à vous protéger contre les ransomwares, le phishing, les logiciels espions, les virus et les logiciels malveillants.

  • If you activate these features, theyll overwrite any custom DNS youre using. These protections are not a substitute for taking other security precautions for example, while blocking malware you should still avoid downloading attachments in strange emails.

    Si vous activez ces fonctionnalités, elles remplaceront tout DNS personnalisé que vous utilisez. Ces protections ne se substituent pas à dautres précautions en matière de sécurité. Par exemple, même si vous bloquez les logiciels malveillants, vous devez toujours éviter de télécharger les pièces jointes de-mails étranges.

  • Using advanced privacy features

    Utilisation des fonctionnalités de confidentialité avancées

  • Whenever you connect to a website, a DNS (domain name system) first turns the domain name (e.g. www.mozilla.org) into an IP address that allows your internet traffic to reach that destination. Typically, your ISP (internet service provider) provides you with a DNS server that your devices use automatically.

    Chaque fois que vous vous connectez à un site web, pour commencer un DNS (système de noms de domaine) transforme le nom de domaine (par exemple, www.mozilla.org) en une adresse IP qui permet à votre trafic internet datteindre sa destination. Habituellement, votre FAI (fournisseur daccès à Internet) vous fournit un serveur DNS que votre appareil utilise de façon automatique.

  • Mozilla VPN allows you to choose a custom DNS server if you prefer. To use a custom DNS, first go to App preferences, followed by DNS settings. There, youll be able to select Use custom DNS and enter the one youd like to use.

    Mozilla VPN vous permet de choisir un serveur DNS personnalisé si vous préférez. Pour utiliser un DNS personnalisé, rendez-vous dabord dans « Préférences de lapplication », puis dans « Paramètres DNS ». Là, vous pourrez sélectionner « Utiliser un DNS personnalisé » et saisir celui que vous souhaitez utiliser.

  • Using a custom DNS is not a perfect solution. If you use one, you wont be able to use other privacy features in the VPN like tracker blocking. This protection is best used in combination with a browser that also protects your privacy. Like Mozilla Firefox!

    Lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé nest pas une solution parfaite. Si vous en utilisez un, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser dautres fonctionnalités de confidentialité dans le VPN comme le blocage des traqueurs. Il vaut mieux utiliser cette protection en combinaison avec un navigateur qui protège également votre vie privée. Comme Mozilla Firefox !

  • Benefits of using a custom DNS

    Avantages de lutilisation dun DNS personnalisé

  • By default, when you activate Mozilla VPN on your device, all the apps you have in it will have their traffic be automatically encrypted and routed by the VPN.

    Par défaut, quand vous activez Mozilla VPN sur votre appareil, le trafic de toutes les applications qui sy trouvent est automatiquement chiffré et acheminé par le VPN.

  • App exclusions is an advanced feature that allows you to choose specific applications in your device that you prefer are not protected by the VPN.

    Lexclusion dapplications est une fonctionnalité avancée qui permet de choisir des applications particulières installées sur votre appareil que vous préférez ne pas être protégées par le VPN.

  • Generally speaking, this feature can be useful in situations where youd like certain applications to connect a bit faster by not routing their traffic via a VPN.

    De manière générale, cette fonctionnalité peut se révéler utile dans des situations où vous souhaitez que certaines applications se connectent un peu plus vite en nacheminant pas leur trafic via un VPN.

  • Another popular reason to consider using this feature is if your mobile data provider offers you unmetered usage to specific services, like certain instant messaging apps. In those cases, you may want to consider excluding those apps using this feature, such that your mobile data provider can effectively consider that traffic free of charge.

    Une autre raison fréquente denvisager lutilisation de cette fonctionnalité, cest quand votre fournisseur de données mobiles vous offre lusage illimité de services particuliers, comme des applications de messagerie instantanée. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez envisager dexclure ces applications grâce à cette fonctionnalité, pour que votre fournisseur de données mobiles puisse effectivement appliquer la gratuité à ce trafic.

  • Why you should use app exclusions

    Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser lexclusion dapplications

  • When you use Mozilla VPN, your internet activity is encrypted and routed through servers based in a location of your choice.

    Lorsque vous utilisez Mozilla VPN, votre activité Internet est chiffrée et acheminée via des serveurs situés à lemplacement de votre choix.

  • Sometimes, you might pick a location for a specific purpose; for example, if youre traveling internationally, you could choose a server location in your home country so that your banking apps function more smoothly.

    Parfois, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement dans un but précis ; par exemple, si vous voyagez à létranger, vous pouvez choisir un emplacement de serveur dans votre pays dorigine afin que vos applications bancaires fonctionnent plus facilement.

  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • account recovery key


  • add-on


  • alternate text

    alternative tekst

  • attack


  • attacker


  • Attack Site


  • attendee


  • authenticate


  • authenticated


  • authentication code


  • autoplay

    automatysk ôfspylje

  • backup authentication code


  • bookmark


  • bookmark

    blêdwizer meitsje

  • breakpoint


  • Bug report


  • certificate authority


  • cipher


  • clipboard


  • colorway


  • confirmation code


  • context


  • cookie banner


  • corrupt


  • corrupt


  • corrupted


  • crash


  • cross-site tracking cookie


  • cryptominer


  • cryptomining


  • debug


  • deceptive site

    misliedende website

  • decode


  • decryption


  • disinformation


  • distrust

    net fertrouwe

  • email mask


  • enable


  • encode


  • encrypt


  • encryption


  • end user


  • Enhanced Tracking Protection

    Ferbettere beskerming tsjin folgjen

  • extension


  • fingerprinter


  • fingerprinting


  • Firefox View

    Firefox View

  • grassroots


  • home page


  • import


  • trackers


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


  • Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Kontrolearje oft de URL krekt is en probearje it opnij.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    It bestân %S kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de lokaasje en probearje it opnij.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    It bestân op %S is net te lêzen.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

    %S hat mooglik in tydlik probleem of kin ferpleatst wêze.

  • %S sent back an error.

    %S hat in flater weromstjoerd.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    %S koe net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje de namme en probearje it opnij.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Ien fan de folgjende (%S) is net in registearre protokol of is net tastien yn dizze kontekst.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    De ferbining mei %S wurde wegere.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

    Immen dyt him foardocht as de website kin besykje jo ynformaasje te stellen. Jo ferbiningynstellingen kinne ek ferkeard ynsteld wêze.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    De ferbining mei %S is ûnferwachts beëinige. Guon ynformaasje is mooglik ferstjoerd.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    De wachttiid is foarby by it pogen te ferbinen mei %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    De ferwizingslimyt foar dizze URL is te grut wurden. Net yn steat de fersochte side te laden. Dit kin komme troch blokkearre cookies.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    Om dizze side wer te jaan moat de tapassing gegevens ferstjoere, wêrtroch elke hanneling dyt útfierd waard (lykas in sykopdracht of oarderbefêstiging) werhelle wurde sil.

  • Resend

    opnij ferstjoere

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Dit dokument kin net werjaan wurde of it moast wêze dat jo de persoanlike befeiligingsbehearder (PSM) ynstallearje. Laad de PSM yn, ynstallearje de PSM en probearje it opnij of nim kontakt op mei jo systeembehearder.

  • The document contains no data.

    It dokument hat gjin gegevens.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Dit dokumint is net langer beskikber.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Dit dokumint kin Sûnder Ferbining net werjaan wurde. Demarkearje Sûnder Ferbining wurkje yn it menu Bestân om online te gean.

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    It dokumint kin wizigje tiidens it ôfdrukken of besjen as ôfdrukfoarbyld.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Tagong ta it opjûne poartenûmer is net mooglik makke fanwegen befeiligingsredenen.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De proxyserver dyt jo ynsteld hawwe kin net fûn wurde. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    De ferbining mei de troch jo ynstelde proxyserver wurd wegere. Kontrolearje jo proxy-ynstellingen en probearje it opnij.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it gebrûk makket fan in ûnjildige of net stipe foarm fan kompresje. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    De side dyt jo besjen wolle kin net toand wurde, omdat it yn in bestânstype sit dat miskien net feilich is om te iepenjen. Nim kontakt op mei de website-eigeners om se te ynformearjen oer dit probleem.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in fertochte side en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in mooglik skeadlike website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in website dyt net-winske software oanbiedt en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    De website op %S is rapportearre as in misliedende website en is blokkearre op basis fan jo befeiligingsfoarkarren.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Dizze side hat in ynhâldsbefeiligingsbelied dat laden op dizze manier foarkomt.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Dizze side hat in belied foar X-Frame-Options dat laden fan dizze kontekst opkeard.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    De side %S hat in skansearring fan it netwurkprotokol ûnderfûn dyt net reparearre wurde kin.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Firefox kin de feilichheid fan jo gegevens net garandearje, omdat %S SSLv3 brûkt, in ûnbetrouber feilichheidsprotokol.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    De eigener fan %S hat syn of har website net krekt konfigurearre. Om jo gegevens tsjin stellerij te beskermjen, is de ferbining mei dizze website net ta stân brocht.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    De website hat probearre oer in net tarikkend befeiligingsniveau te ûnderhandeljen.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    Jo organisaasje hat tagong ta dizze side of website blokkearre.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox ûnderfûn in skeining fan it netwurkprotokol dyt net ferholpen wurde kin.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • %S (%S Image)

    %S (%S-ôfbylding)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

    (%S-ôfbylding, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S piksels)

  • (%S Image)


  • %S (%S Object)

    %S (%S-objekt)

  • (%S Object)


  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net sjen litten wurde, omdat der flaters yn sitte.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

    De ôfbylding %S kin net toand wurde, omdat dizze net-stipe funksjes fereasket.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

    Skeald (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S - %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d fan %2$d

  • Print To File

    Ofdrukke nei bestân

  • Printer Error


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    Jo persoanlike gegevens en identiteit beskermje

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  • 100%

    Safeguard your personal data and identity

    Jo persoanlike gegevens en identiteit beskermje