Authentication error
Authentication error
Background service error
Signed out and device disconnected
Kirjauduttu ulos ja laitteen yhteys on katkaistu
Operation not allowed from current location
Toiminto ei ole sallittu nykyisestä sijainnista
Remote service error
Subscription failed
Tilaus epäonnistui
Try again
Yritä uudestaan
Unable to connect
Yhdistäminen ei onnistu
The Mozilla VPN is successfully installed. You’re ready to start taking control of your online privacy.
Mozilla VPN on asennettu onnistuneesti. Olet valmis aloittaaksesi yksityisyytesi hallinnan verkossa.
Trouble with this installation?
Ongelmia asennuksen kanssa?
A previous installation of Mozilla VPN exists at /Applications/Mozilla This installer will remove the previous installation prior to installing. Please back up any data before proceeding.
Mozilla VPN:n aiempi asennus on olemassa polussa /Applications/Mozilla Tämä asennusohjelma poistaa edellisen asennuksen ennen asennusta. Varmuuskopioi kaikki tiedot ennen kuin jatkat.
Previous Installation Detected
Aiempi asennus havaittu
Mozilla VPN for macOS
Mozilla VPN macOS:lle
Mozilla VPN requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later.
Mozilla VPN vaatii Mac OS X 10.6:n tai uudemman.
Unable to install
Asennus ei onnistu
You will now be guided through the installation steps for the Mozilla VPN. Thank you for choosing your VPN from the trusted pioneer of internet privacy.
Sinut ohjataan nyt Mozilla VPN:n asennusvaiheiden läpi. Kiitos, että valitsit VPN:si Internetin tietosuojan luotetulta edelläkävijältä.
Click “Continue” to continue the setup.
Napsauta “Jatka” jatkaaksesi asennusta.
Something went wrong…
Jokin meni pieleen…
Try Again
Yritä uudestaan
Unable to establish a connection at this time. We’re working hard to resolve the issue. Please try again shortly.
Yhteyttä ei voi muodostaa tällä hetkellä. Työskentelemme kovasti ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan.
The Mozilla VPN app quit unexpectedly. Would you like to send a crash report to help fix the issue?
Mozilla VPN -sovellus sulkeutui odottamatta. Haluatko lähettää kaatumisilmoituksen ongelman korjaamiseksi?
No thanks
Ei kiitos
Crash reporting
Send report
Lähetä raportti
%1 %2
%1 %2
Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN
current location - %1
nykyinen sijainti - %1
Select location
Valitse sijainti
Check Connection
Tarkista yhteys
No Signal
Ei signaalia
VPN is on
VPN on päällä
Masking connection and location
Peitetään yhteys ja sijainti
Turn on to protect your privacy
Kytke päälle suojataksesi yksityisyyttäsi
Secure and private
Turvallinen ja yksityinen
Attempting to confirm connection
Yritetään vahvistaa yhteyttä
VPN is off
VPN on pois päältä
Unmasking connection and location
Paljastetaan yhteys ja sijainti
Katkaistaan yhteys…
From %1 to %2
Sijainnista %1 sijaintiin %2
Turn VPN off
Kytke VPN pois päältä
Turn VPN on
Kytke VPN päälle
Mozilla Monitor
Mozilla Monitor
Have I Been Pwned
Have I Been Pwned
Firefox Account
Firefox Account
Firefox Lockwise
Firefox Lockwise
Mozilla Monitor
Mozilla Monitor
Monitor Premium
Monitor Premium
Mozilla Foundation
Mozilla Foundation
Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN
Firefox Relay
Firefox Relay
Mozilla Monitor
Mozilla Monitor
Monitor Plus
Monitor Plus
This email address is not subscribed to { -product-name }.
This email address is not subscribed to { -product-name }.
Too many connections to { -brand-HIBP }.
Too many connections to { -brand-HIBP }.
Error connecting to { -brand-HIBP }.
Error connecting to { -brand-HIBP }.
Invalid Email
Invalid Email
You are monitoring the maximum number of email addresses.
You are monitoring the maximum number of email addresses.
This email has already been added to { -product-name }.
This email has already been added to { -product-name }.
Another verification email can’t be sent this quickly. Please try again later.
Another verification email can’t be sent this quickly. Please try again later.
Something went wrong adding another email address. Please try again later.
Something went wrong adding another email address. Please try again later.
Something went wrong removing an email address. Please try again later.
Something went wrong removing an email address. Please try again later.
Verification token is required.
Verification token is required.
Compromised data:
Compromised data:
Breach data provided by { $hibp-link }
Breach data provided by { $hibp-link }
Show All
Show all
Sign Out
Sign Out
Manage { -brand-fxa }
Manage { -brand-fxa }
Security Tips
Security Tips
More about this breach
More about this breach
Monitor several emails
Monitor several emails
Website Breach
Web Site Breach
Sensitive Website Breach
Sensitive Web Site Breach
Data Aggregator Breach
Data Aggregator Breach
What data was compromised:
What data was compromised:
How does { -product-name } treat sensitive sites?
How does { -product-name } treat sensitive sites?
{ -product-name } only reveals accounts associated with these
types of breaches after an email address has been verified. This means you’re the only person who can see if your information was in this breach (unless someone else has access to your email account).{ -product-name } only reveals accounts associated with these
types of breaches after an email address has been verified. This means you’re the only person who can see if your information was in this breach (unless someone else has access to your email account).Why did it take so long to report this breach?
Why did it take so long to report this breach?
It can sometimes take months or years for credentials exposed
in a data breach to appear on the dark web. Breaches get added to our database as soon as they have been discovered and verified.It can sometimes take months or years for credentials exposed
in a data breach to appear on the dark web. Breaches get added to our database as soon as they have been discovered and verified.{ -product-name } warns you if your email address has been exposed
in an online data breach. See if your information has been exposed, learn how to better protect your online accounts, and get alerted if your email address appears in a new breach.{ -product-name } warns you if your email address has been exposed
in an online data breach. See if your information has been exposed, learn how to better protect your online accounts, and get alerted if your email address appears in a new breach.What is a data aggregator?
What is a data aggregator?
Data aggregators, or data brokers, collect information from public
records and buy it from other companies. They compile this data to sell it to companies for marketing purposes. Victims of these breaches are less likely to experience financial fraud, but hackers could use this data to impersonate or profile them.Data aggregators, or data brokers, collect information from public
records and buy it from other companies. They compile this data to sell it to companies for marketing purposes. Victims of these breaches are less likely to experience financial fraud, but hackers could use this data to impersonate or profile them.