• { -brand-name-facebook-container } for { -brand-name-firefox } | Prevent { -brand-name-facebook } from seeing what websites you visit.

    { -brand-name-facebook-container } ngam { -brand-name-firefox } | Ina haɗa { -brand-name-facebook } yiyde hol lowe njilloto-ɗaa.

  • Millions of people around the world trust { -brand-name-firefox } Web browsers on { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-ios } and desktop computers. Fast. Private. Download now!

    Miliyoŋaajineɗɗo e jookli winndere ndee ina koolii banngorɗe geese { -brand-name-firefox } e { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-ios } e ordinateeruuji. Jaawɗum. Cuuriɗum. Aawto jooni!

  • { -brand-name-facebook }. Well contained. Keep the rest of your life to yourself.

    { -brand-name-facebook }. Foolaama sanne. Mooftan hoore maa ko heddii e nguurndam maa.

  • Get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension

    Heɓ timmitte { -brand-name-facebook-container }

  • Download { -brand-name-firefox } and get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension

    Aawto { -brand-name-firefox } e heɓ timmitte { -brand-name-facebook-container }

  • The { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension is currently only available for { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop.

  • { -brand-name-firefox-browser }

  • Visit <a href="{ $url }">{ $link_copy }</a> to get { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop.

  • Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios } now.

  • Opt out on your terms

    Salo sarɗiiji

  • { -brand-name-facebook } can track almost all your web activity and tie it to your { -brand-name-facebook } identity. If thats too much for you, the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container } extension</a> isolates your identity into a separate container tab, making it harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to track you on the web outside of { -brand-name-facebook }.

    { -brand-name-facebook } ina waawi rewindaade dille maa e geese maa fof e tee seŋondira ɗum e innitol maa { -brand-name-facebook }. So ɗuum ina ɓurtirmaa, <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">Timmitere { -brand-name-facebook-container } oo </a> ina joña innitol maa e tabbe mooftirde seertunde, addana { -brand-name-facebook } caɗeele rewindaande e geese ɗee boowal { -brand-name-facebook }.

  • Install and contain

    Aaf etee mooftu

  • Installing the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">extension</a> is easy and, once activated, will open { -brand-name-facebook } in a blue tab each time you use it. Use and enjoy { -brand-name-facebook } normally. { -brand-name-facebook } will still be able to send you advertising and recommendations on their site, but it will be much harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to use your activity collected <strong>off { -brand-name-facebook }</strong> to send you ads and other targeted messages.

  • About { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-mozilla }

    Baɗte { -brand-name-firefox } e { -brand-name-mozilla }

  • Were backed by <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, the not-for-profit organization that puts people over profit to give everyone more power online. We created this extension because we believe that you should have easy-to-use tools that help you manage your privacy and security.

  • Browse freely with { -brand-name-firefox } today.

    Wanngo e wellitaare e { -brand-name-firefox } hannde.

{ -brand-name-facebook-container } for { -brand-name-firefox } | Prevent { -brand-name-facebook } from seeing what websites you visit.

{ -brand-name-facebook-container } ngam { -brand-name-firefox } | Ina haɗa { -brand-name-facebook } yiyde hol lowe njilloto-ɗaa.