Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed.
Parsing an XSLT stylesheet failed.
Ƴeewtogol ɗerewol panni XSLT woorii.
Parsing an XPath expression failed.
Ƴeewtogol konngol XPath woorii.
XSLT transformation failed.
Baylagol XSLT roŋkii.
Invalid XSLT/XPath function.
Gollal XSLT/XPath moƴƴaani.
XSLT Stylesheet (possibly) contains a recursion.
Ɗerewol panni XSLT (ina wona) ina waɗi gartugol.
Attribute value illegal in XSLT 1.0.
Njaru joopannde rewaani laawol nder XSLT 1.0.
An XPath expression was expected to return a NodeSet.
Konngol XPath ina ɗaminanoo neltirde NodeSet.
XSLT transformation was terminated by <xsl:message>.
Baylagol XSLT gasirii <xsl:message>.
A network error occurred loading an XSLT stylesheet:
Juumre laylaytol waɗii saanga loowgol ɗerewol panni XSLT:
An XSLT stylesheet does not have an XML mimetype:
Ɗerewol panni XSLT jogaaki mimetype XML:
An XSLT stylesheet directly or indirectly imports or includes itself:
Panni XSLT ina paggoo ina naattina e koye mum en:
An XPath function was called with the wrong number of arguments.
An unknown XPath extension function was called.
Gollirgal timmitte XPath mo anndaaka noddaama.
XPath parse failure: ‘)’ expected:
Gallugol ƴeewndo XPath: ‘)’ ina tijjaa:
XPath parse failure: invalid axis:
XPath parse failure: Name or Nodetype test expected:
XPath parse failure: ‘]’ expected:
Gallugol ƴeewndo XPath: ‘]’ ina tijjaa:
XPath parse failure: invalid variable name:
XPath parse failure: unexpected end of expression:
XPath parse failure: operator expected:
XPath parse failure: unclosed literal:
XPath parse failure: ‘:’ unexpected:
XPath parse failure: ‘!’ unexpected, negation is not():
XPath parse failure: illegal character found:
XPath parse failure: binary operator expected:
An XSLT stylesheet load was blocked for security reasons.
Evaluating an invalid expression.
Unbalanced curly brace.
Creating an element with an invalid QName.
Variable binding shadows variable binding within the same template.
Call to the key function not allowed.
Error loading stylesheet: %S
Juumre saanga loowgol ɗereeji panni: %S
Error during XSLT transformation: %S
Juumre saanga baylugol XSLT: %S