The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource: %1$S
The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource: %1$S
Teelte ngoo hello paliima loowgol fiilannde: %1$S
The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at %2$S (“%1$S”).
Teelte ngoo hello paliima loowgol fiilannde to %2$S ("%1$S").
A violation occurred for a report-only CSP policy (“%1$S”). The behavior was allowed, and a CSP report was sent.
Goofol waɗii e report_only CSP policy ("%1$S"). Gollal ngal ena yamiraanoo, tee jaŋtol CSP neldaama.
The page’s settings observed the loading of a resource at %2$S (“%1$S”). A CSP report is being sent.
Teelte hello ngoo ndaaraango loowgol jogaaɗe to %2$S ("%1$S"). Jaŋtol CSP woni ko e neldeede.
The page’s settings blocked an inline style (%2$S) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block an inline style (%2$S) from being applied because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked an inline script (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block an inline script (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked an event handler (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block an event handler (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked a JavaScript eval (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S” (Missing 'unsafe-eval')
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block a JavaScript eval (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S” (Missing 'unsafe-eval')
The page’s settings blocked WebAssembly (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S” (Missing 'wasm-unsafe-eval' or 'unsafe-eval')
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block WebAssembly (%2$S) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S” (Missing 'wasm-unsafe-eval' or 'unsafe-eval')
The page’s settings blocked creating a Trusted Types policy because it violates the following directive: “%1$S“
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block creating a Trusted Types policy because it violates the following directive: “%1$S“
The page’s settings blocked assigning to an injection sink because it violates the following directive: “require-trusted-types-for ’script’“
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block assigning to an injection sink because it violates the following directive: “require-trusted-types-for ’script’“
The page’s settings blocked a style (%3$S) at %2$S from being applied because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block a style (%3$S) at %2$S from being applied because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked a script (%3$S) at %2$S from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block a script (%3$S) at %2$S from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked a worker script (%3$S) at %2$S from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block a worker script (%3$S) at %2$S from being executed because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource (%3$S) at %2$S because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
(Report-Only policy) The page’s settings would block the loading of a resource (%3$S) at %2$S because it violates the following directive: “%1$S”
Tried to send report to invalid URI: “%1$S”
Etiima neldude jaŋtol to URI mo moƴƴaani: "%1$S"
Prevented too many CSP reports from being sent within a short period of time.
couldn’t parse report URI: %1$S
horiima farsude jaŋtol URI: %1$S
Couldn’t process unknown directive ‘%1$S’
Horiima lijjitde kuulal tumaraŋkeewal '%1$S'
Ignoring unknown option %1$S
Faalkisiima suɓre nde anndaaka %1$S
Ignoring duplicate source %1$S
Faalkiso sewnde %1$S ɗimmere ndee
Ignoring directive ‘%1$S’ with the non-ASCII token ‘%2$S’
Ignoring source ‘%1$S’ (Not supported when delivered via meta element).
Faalkiso sewnde ‘%1$S’ (nde tammbaako so nde iwrii e geɗel meta).
Ignoring “%1$S” within %2$S: nonce-source or hash-source specified
Ignoring “%1$S” within %2$S: ‘strict-dynamic’ specified
Ignoring source “%1$S” (Only supported within script-src).
Faalkiso sewnde “%1$S” (tammbaaɗo nder script-src oo tan).
Ignoring ‘unsafe-eval’ or ‘wasm-unsafe-eval’ inside “%1$S”.
Keyword ‘strict-dynamic’ within “%1$S” with no valid nonce or hash might block all scripts from loading
Helmere maantorde ‘strict-dynamic’ nder “%1$S” nde alaa nonce walla hash moƴƴo ina waawi haɗde all dokkore ɗee kala loowaade
The report URI (%1$S) should be an HTTP or HTTPS URI.
URI (%1$S) jaŋtol ngol fotnoo wonde ko URI HTTP walla HTTPS.
This site (%1$S) has a Report-Only policy without a report-uri directive nor a report-to directive. CSP will not block and cannot report violations of this policy.
This site (%1$S) has a Report-Only policy without a report URI. CSP will not block and cannot report violations of this policy.
Ndee lowre (%1$S)\u0020
Failed to parse unrecognized source %1$S
Horiima farsude sewnde tumaraŋkeewe %1$S
Upgrading insecure request ‘%1$S’ to use ‘%2$S’
Timmingol ɗaɓɓitere ‘%1$S’ nde hisnaaka ngam huutoraade ‘%2$S’
Ignoring srcs for directive ‘%1$S’
Faalkissade srcs yamiroore ‘%1$S’
Interpreting %1$S as a hostname, not a keyword. If you intended this to be a keyword, use ‘%2$S’ (wrapped in single quotes).
Famminaade %1$S no inndekoɗol, wonaa helmerehelde. So aɗa anniyii yo ɗum won helmerehelde huutoro '%2$S' (wongo e ŋacce teelɗe).
Not supporting directive ‘%1$S’. Directive and values will be ignored.
Waawaa tammbitaade kuulal '%1$S'. Kuulal e kiise maa paalkise.
Blocking insecure request ‘%1$S’.
Faddaade ɗaɓɓitere ‘%1$S’ nde hisnaaka.
Ignoring ‘%1$S’ since it does not contain any parameters.
Faalkisaade ‘%1$S’ so alaa hay ñaawirgel gootel.
Ignoring report-to directive group ‘%1$S’ with invalid token ‘%2$S’.
Security Error: Content at %S may not load or link to %S.
Juumre Kisal: Loowdi to %S waawaa loowaade walla jokkaade e %S.
Security Error: Content at %S may not load data from %S.
Juumre Kisal: Loowdi to %S waawaa loowde keɓe iwɗe e %S.
Security Error: Content at %S attempted to load %S, but may not load external data when being used as an image.
Juumre kisal: loowdi %S etiima loowde %S, kono waawaa loowde keɓe booweeje so huutoriraama no natal nii.
Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class %S
Yamiroore salaaama ngam sosde soomtorde piiyol kalaas %S
Permission denied for <%2$S> to create wrapper for object of class %1$S
Yamiroore salaanaama <%2$S> ngam sosde soomtorde piiyol kalaas %1$S
No terms available.