Download { -brand-name-firefox }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox }
Download the fastest { -brand-name-firefox } ever
سریعترین { -brand-name-firefox } را دریافت کنید
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new { -brand-name-firefox } is here.
بارگیری سریعتر صفحات، استفاده کمتر از حافظه و مملو از امکانات جدید، { -brand-name-firefox } جدید اینجاست.
Get the latest { -brand-name-firefox } browser.
دریافت آخرین مرورگر { -brand-name-firefox }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } <br>for { -brand-name-windows }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox } <br>برای { -brand-name-windows }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } <br>for { -brand-name-mac }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox } <br>برای { -brand-name-mac }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } <br>for { -brand-name-linux }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox } <br>برای { -brand-name-linux }
Free Web Browser
مرورگر وب رایگان
Advanced install options & other platforms
گزینههای نصبِ پیشرفته و سایر سکوها
Download in another language
دریافت به زبانهای دیگر
Need help?
به راهنمایی نیاز دارید؟
{ -brand-name-mozilla } <a href="{ $url }">no longer provides security updates</a> on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }, but you can still use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your download should begin automatically. Didn’t work? <a id="{ $id }" href="{ $fallback_url }">Try downloading again</a>.
بارگیری شما باید به زودی شروع شود. شروع نشد؟ <a id="{ $id }" href="{ $fallback_url }">دوباره تلاش کنید</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is more than a browser.
{ -brand-name-firefox } بیشتر از یک مرورگر است.
Your download was interrupted. But all is not lost.
Almost there!
Select a download option below
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of <a href="{ $url }">these versions</a>.
{ -brand-name-windows }
If you see a prompt stating the app you’re trying to install isn’t a { -brand-name-microsoft }-verified app, click “Install anyway” or <a { $attrs }>change app recommendation settings</a>.
Visit Support for More Details
Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser }
Fast, Private & Free
from { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } is a free web browser with fast page loading, less memory usage, and lots of features - a project of the not-for-profit { -brand-name-mozilla }.
Download a different platform or language
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox }
No terms available.
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
دریافت { -brand-name-firefox }
DownloadJoin { -brand-name-firefox }
به { -brand-name-firefox } بپیوندید
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
Download for { -brand-name-firefoxios }
دریافت برای { -brand-name-ios }
Download for { -brand-name-firefoxios }
دریافت برای { -brand-name-ios }