• You attempted to send an unencrypted message to { $name }. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.

    Sa üritasid saata krüptimata sõnumit kontaktile { $name }. Reeglina ei ole krüptimata sõnumid lubatud.

  • Attempting to start a private conversation. Your message will be resent when the private conversation starts.

    Üritatakse alustata privaatset vestlust. Sõnum saadetakse uuesti, kui privaatne vestlus algab.

  • An error occurred when encrypting your message. The message was not sent.

    Sõnumi krüptimisel esines viga. Sõnumit ei saadetud.

  • { $name } has already closed their encrypted connection to you. To avoid that you accidentally send a message without encryption, your message was not sent. Please end your encrypted conversation, or restart it.

    Kontakt { $name } on juba krüptitud ühenduse sinuga sulgenud. Sõnumit ei saadetud, et vältida selle kogemata krüptimata saatmist. Palun lõpeta oma krüptitud vestlus või taaskäivita see.

  • An error occurred while setting up a private conversation with { $name }.

    Privaatse vestluse seadistamisel kontaktiga { $name } esines viga.

  • You are receiving your own OTR messages. You are either trying to talk to yourself, or someone is reflecting your messages back at you.

    Sa saad iseenda OTR-sõnumeid. Sa kas üritad vestelda iseendaga või peegeldab keegi sulle sinu sõnumeid tagasi.

  • The last message to { $name } was resent.

    Viimane sõnum kontaktile { $name } saadeti uuesti.

  • The encrypted message received from { $name } is unreadable, as you are not currently communicating privately.

    Krüptitud sõnum kontaktilt { $name } oli loetamatu, sest sa ei suhtle praegu privaatselt.

  • You received an unreadable encrypted message from { $name }.

    Sa said kontaktilt { $name } loetamatu krüptitud sõnumi.

  • You received a malformed data message from { $name }.

    Sa said kontaktilt { $name } vigase sõnumi.

  • Heartbeat received from { $name }.

    Võeti vastu tukse kontaktilt { $name }.

  • Heartbeat sent to { $name }.

    Saadeti tukse kontaktile { $name }.

  • An unexpected error occurred while trying to protect your conversation using OTR.

    Vestluse kaitsmisel OTRiga esines ootamatu viga.

  • The following message received from { $name } was not encrypted: { $msg }

    Järgnev sõnum kontaktilt { $name } polnud krüptitud: { $msg }

  • You received an unrecognized OTR message from { $name }.

    Sa said kontaktilt { $name } tundmatu OTR-sõnumi.

  • { $name } has sent a message intended for a different session. If you are logged in multiple times, another session may have received the message.

    { $name } saatis sõnumi, mis oli mõeldud mingi muu seansi jaoks. Kui sa oled sisse logitud mitu korda, siis võis selle sõnumi saada mingi teine seanss.

  • Private conversation with { $name } started.

    Algas privaatne vestlus kontaktiga { $name }.

  • Encrypted, but unverified conversation with { $name } started.

    Algas krüptitud, aga verifitseerimata vestlus kontaktiga { $name }.

  • Successfully refreshed the encrypted conversation with { $name }.

    Edukalt värskendati krüptitud vestlust kontaktiga { $name }.

  • An error occurred while encrypting the message.

    Sõnumi krüptimisel esines viga.

  • You sent encrypted data to { $name }, who wasnt expecting it.

    Sa saatsid krüptitud andmed kontaktile { $name }, kes ei oodanud neid.

  • You transmitted an unreadable encrypted message.

    Saatsid krüptitud loetamatu sõnumi.

  • You transmitted a malformed data message.

    Saatsid vigase andmesõnumi.

  • [resent]

    [saadeti uuesti]

  • { $name } has ended their encrypted conversation with you; you should do the same.

    { $name } lõpetas oma krüptitud vestluse sinuga; sa peaksid tegema sama.

  • { $name } has requested an Off-the-Record (OTR) encrypted conversation. However, you do not have a plugin to support that. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-the-Record_Messaging for more information.

    { $name } taotles salvestusvälist (OTR) krüptitud vestust. Kuid sul puudub selle toetamiseks plugin. Lisateabe saamiseks vaata https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-the-Record_Messaging

You attempted to send an unencrypted message to { $name }. As a policy, unencrypted messages are not allowed.

Sa üritasid saata krüptimata sõnumit kontaktile { $name }. Reeglina ei ole krüptimata sõnumid lubatud.
  • Sander Lepik

    Sa üritasid saata krüptimata sõnumit kontaktile { $name }. Reeglina ei ole krüptimata sõnumid lubatud.

  • unencryptedadjectiveTranslate

    Not encrypted, and thus more vulnerable to unauthorized access. Note that "encoded" and "encrypted" are not synonyms (see definition for "encoded").

    E.G.Your email and authentication are sent unencrypted so your password and your message could easily be read by other people