Sorry, Common Voice is running slowly. Thanks for your interest.
Sorry, Common Voice is running slowly. Thanks for your interest.
Ɗaccu hakke, Common Voice ena leeli. A jaaraama e golle maa.
We're receiving a lot of traffic and are currently investigating the issues.
Amin eɓa yillotooɓe heewɓe oo sahaa, min ngoni ko e yuurnitaade caɗeele ɗee.
Status Page
Hello Ngonka
Sorry, something went wrong
Ɗaccu hakke, won ko feewaani
Upload of this clip keeps failing, keep retrying?
Upload of this clip keeps failing at server. Reload the page or try again later.
We couldn’t find that page for you
Min koriima yiytande ma hello ngo
Maybe our <homepageLink>homepage</homepageLink> will help? To ask a question, please join the <matrixLink>Matrix community chat</matrixLink>, monitor site issues via <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> or visit <discourseLink>our Discourse forums</discourseLink>.
Ma a taw jokkol <homepageLink>jaɓɓorgo</homepageLink> amen ena waawi wallude ma? Ngam weddaade naamnal, tiiɗno yantu e <matrixLink>jeewte renndo Matix</matrixLink> ɗee, ndewindo-ɗaa caɗe lowre to <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> walla njillo-ɗaa <discourseLink>fom amen Discourse</discourseLink>.
We’re experiencing unexpected downtime
Amin njogii caɗe dartagol ɗe tijjaaka
The site will be back up as soon as possible. For the latest information, please join the <matrixLink>Matrix community chat</matrixLink> or visit <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> or <discourseLink>our Discourse forums</discourseLink> to submit and monitor site experience issues.
Lowre ndee maa danndito ɗo yaajtii. Ngam heɓde humpito sakkitiingo, tiiɗno yantu e <matrixLink>jeewte renndo Matrix</matrixLink> walla njillo-ɗaa <githubLink>GitHub</githubLink> walla <discourseLink>forum amen Discourse</discourseLink> ngam naatnude e rewindaade caɗe dawtol lowre.
Error { $code }
Juumre { $code }
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Sorry, Common Voice is running slowly. Thanks for your interest.
Bedaŭrinde, Common Voice funkcias malrapide. Dankon pro via intereso.