{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: La retumilo por privateco
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
Senpage – en { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Elŝuti nun
Free Download
Elŝuti senpage
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Subtenataj aparatoj
What’s New
Systems & Languages
Aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ne plu liveras sekurecajn ĝisdatigojn por { -brand-name-firefox } ĉe sistemoj { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } aŭ { -brand-name-vista }</a>, sed vi plue povas elŝuti la finan version por 32-bita { -brand-name-windows } sube.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Bonvolu sekvi <a href="{ $url }">tiujn ĉi instrukciojn</a> por instali { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
Via sistemo ne plenumas la <a href="{ $url }">postulojn</a> de { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } por aliaj sistemoj kaj lingvoj
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Ĝisdatigi vian { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Ricevi { -brand-name-firefox } por { -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin el { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Ricevi ĝin senpage ĉe { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Ricevi ĝin senpage el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Elŝuti el la { -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Elŝuti { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Via sistemo ne plenumas la postulojn de { -brand-name-firefox }, sed vi povas provi unu el la jenaj versioj:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> por { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Manifesto de { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
No terms available.
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Privata, sekura retumilo
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browsercy Notice
Atentigo pri privateco de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe B is more than a browser
{ -brand-name-firefox } estas pli ol retumilo