Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla }
Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } makes browsers, apps, code and tools that put people before profit. Our mission: Keep the internet open and accessible to all.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } kreira browsere, aplikacije, kodove i alate koji ljude stavljaju ispred profita. Naša misija: Držite internet otvorenim i pristupačnim svima.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } makes browsers, apps, code and tools that put people before profit.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } kreira browsere, aplikacije, kodove i alate koji ljude stavljaju ispred profita.
Our mission: Keep the internet open and accessible to all.
Naša misija: Držite internet otvorenim i pristupačnim svima.
Read Our Mission
Pročitajte našu misiju
Our Mission in Action
Naša misija u akciji
Pioneers of The Open Web
Pioniri otvorenog weba
Our leadership has been at the forefront of building a healthier internet since Day 1. What began as an alternative to corporate domination has grown into a global force for good online.
Naše rukovodstvo je na čelu izgradnje zdravijeg interneta od prvog dana. Ono što je počelo kao alternativa korporativnoj dominaciji preraslo je u globalnu snagu za dobro interneta.
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Fast for Good
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Brzo za dobro
When you use the new { -brand-name-firefox }, you get a blazing fast experience while supporting { -brand-name-mozilla }’s mission to keep the internet healthy, weird and welcoming to all.
Kada koristite novi { -brand-name-firefox }, dobijate sjajno brzo iskustvo dok istovremeno podržavate { -brand-name-mozilla } misiju da održite internet zdravim, čudnim i dobrodošlim svima.
Walking Our Privacy Talk
Ostvarivanje principa privatnosti
When the { -brand-name-facebook } breach was revealed, { -brand-name-mozilla } had an immediate response – and a { -brand-name-firefox } product to support user privacy.
Kada je otkrivena povreda { -brand-name-facebook }a, { -brand-name-mozilla } je odmah reagovala – i { -brand-name-firefox } proizvod koji podržava privatnost korisnika.
Corporation. Foundation. Not-for-profit.
Korporacija. Fondacija. Neprofitna.
Learn about the { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla-foundation }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } puts people over profit in everything we say, build and do. In fact, there’s a non-profit Foundation at the heart of our enterprise.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } stavlja ljude iznad profita u sve što kažemo, gradimo i radimo. U stvari, postoji neprofitna fondacija u srcu našeg preduzeća.
The { -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
The principles we wrote in 1998 still guide us today. And in 2018, we created an addendum to emphasize inclusion, privacy and safety for everyone online.
Principi koje smo napisali 1998. godine i dalje nas vode danas. 2018. godine napravili smo dodatak koji će naglasiti inkluziju, privatnost i sigurnost za sve online.
Read The Manifesto
Pročitajte Manifest
A Global View
Globalni pogled
With <a href="{ $url }">offices all over the world</a>, we consider the internet from multiple cultures and contexts.
Sa <a href="{ $url }">uredima širom svijeta</a>, smatramo da je internet iz više kultura i konteksta.
San Francisco
San Francisco
Talking Tech Issues IRL
Tehnološki problemi u stvarnom životu IRL
In { -brand-name-mozilla }'s multi-award winning podcast, host Bridget Todd talks to the people shaping the future of the internet and AI.
U višestruko nagrađivanom podcastu { -brand-name-mozilla }, voditeljica Bridget Todd razgovara s ljudima koji oblikuju budućnost interneta i umjetne inteligencije.
<strong>2000</strong> non-employee guests welcomed each year
Svake godine ugostimo <strong>2000</strong> gostiju
<strong>500</strong> annual attendees to the Berlin speaker series
<strong>500</strong> godišnjih učesnika na Berlinskoj seriji govorinika
<strong>800</strong> bottles of cold brew coffee consumed yearly.
Svake godine potrošimo <strong>800</strong> flaša hladne kahve.
Work at { -brand-name-mozilla }
Radite za { -brand-name-mozilla }
Join a mission-driven organization that builds purpose-driven products.
Pridružite se organizaciji zasnovanoj na misiji koja kreira namjenske proizvode.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Careers
{ -brand-name-mozilla } karijere
How You Can Help
Kako možete pomoći
Your voice. Your code. Your support. There are so many ways to join the fight for a healthy internet.
Vaš glas. Vaš kod. Vaša podrška. Postoji toliko mnogo načina da se pridružite borbi za zdrav internet.
Get Involved
Uključite se
Get The { -brand-name-mozilla } Newsletter
Nabavite { -brand-name-mozilla } novine
Stay informed about the issues affecting the internet, and learn how you can get involved in protecting the world’s newest public resource.
Budite informisani o problemima koji utječu na internet i saznajte kako se možete uključiti u zaštitu najnovijih javnih resursa na svijetu.
Preplati se
Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla }
No terms available.
Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla }
Learn Aabout { -brand-name-mozilla }
Saznajte više o { -brand-name-mozilla }i
Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
O { -brand-name-mozilla }
Learn About { -brand-name-mozilla }
O { -brand-name-mozilla }i
LearnMore About { -brand-name-mozilla }
Više o { -brand-name-mozilla }