{ -brand-short-name } Crash Reporter
No translations available.
{ -brand-short-name } Crash Reporter
We’re Sorry
{ -brand-short-name } had a problem and crashed. We’ll try to restore your tabs and windows when it restarts.
To help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report.
This application is run after a crash to report the problem to { -vendor-short-name }. It should not be run directly.
{ -brand-short-name } had a problem and crashed. Unfortunately, the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash.
Details: { $details }
This application is run after a crash to report the problem to the application vendor. It should not be run directly.
Report Contents
Add a comment (comments are publicly visible)
This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
Tell { -vendor-short-name } about this crash so they can fix it.
Include the address of the page I was on.
Check for hardware and configuration problems on my device.
Your crash report will be submitted before you quit or restart.
Tell { -vendor-short-name } about this crash so they can fix it.
Submitting your report…
Include the address of the page I was on.
Report submitted successfully!
There was a problem submitting your report.
Resending reports that previously failed to send…
Quit { -brand-short-name }
Checking for hardware and configuration problems…
Restart { -brand-short-name }
Crash ID: { $id }
You can view details of this crash at { $url }.
Failed to run minidump-analyzer
Failed to open file ({ $path })
Failed to load file ({ $path })
Failed to create directory ({ $path })
Missing home directory
Failed to move { $from } to { $to }
Version end of life: crash reports are no longer accepted.
{ -brand-short-name } Crash Reporter
No translations available.
Occurs when software stops functioning properly and exits or closes unexpectedly.
E.G.Install Nightly and help us improve Firefox quality hunt crashes and regressions
A detailed record or account, most often in the case of a site crash or issue
E.G.Send a crash report for the tab you are viewing
Tell or alert, most often in the case of a site crash or issue
E.G.Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites
{ -brand-short-name } Crash ReSupporter
{ -brand-short-name } सापोर्ट
{ -brand-short-name } Crash ReporterSafe Mode
{ -brand-short-name } रैखाथि म'ड
{ -brand-short-name } Crash ReporterUpdates
{ -brand-short-name } नि आपडेटफोर
{ -brand-short-name } Crash Reporis up to dater
{ -brand-short-name } आ गोदान
{ -brand-shorter-name } Crash ReporteTour
{ -brand-shorter-name } दावबायनाय