Crash Reports
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जेबो क्रेश रिपर्ट गथायाखै।
This application has not been configured to display crash reports. The preference <code>breakpad.reportURL</code> must be set.
गाज्रि जानाय रिपर्टखौ दिन्थिफुंनो बे एप्लिकेसनखौ बाइजोमहर दायाखै। पसन्द <code>breakpad.reportURL</code> खौ फजथारनांगोन।
Crash Reports
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Occurs when software stops functioning properly and exits or closes unexpectedly.
E.G.Install Nightly and help us improve Firefox quality hunt crashes and regressions
A detailed record or account, most often in the case of a site crash or issue
E.G.Send a crash report for the tab you are viewing
Tell or alert, most often in the case of a site crash or issue
E.G.Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites
Crash Reports
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