en-US, en
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LOCALIZATION NOTE (intl.accept_languages):
This is a comma-separated list of valid BCP 47 language tags.
Begin with the language tag of your locale. Next, include language
tags for other languages that you expect most users of your locale to be
able to speak, so that their browsing experience degrades gracefully if
content is not available in their primary language.
It is recommended that you include "en-US, en" at the end of the list as a
last resort. However, if you know that users of your locale would prefer a
different variety of English, or if they are not likely to understand
English at all, you may opt to include a different English language tag, or
to exclude English altogether.
For example, the Breton [br] locale might consider including French and
British English in their list, since those languages are commonly spoken in
the same area as Breton:
intl.accept_languages=br, fr-FR, fr, en-GB, en
CONTEXT intl.accept_languages•toolkit/chrome/global/intl.properties•Firefox
CREATED April 10, 2017 09:48:16 AM