Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
No translations available.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, and { -brand-name-ios }.
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android }, ແລະ { -brand-name-ios }.
You can download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } on up to { $devices } devices with one subscription.
ທ່ານສາມາດດາວໂຫຼດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໄດ້ສູງສຸດ { $devices } ອຸປະກອນດ້ວຍການສະໝັກສະມາຊິກດຽວ.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } offers safe and secure protection for all major operating systems.
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສະຫນອງການປົກປ້ອງທີ່ປອດໄພແລະປອດໄພສໍາລັບທຸກລະບົບປະຕິບັດການທີ່ສໍາຄັນ.
Sorry, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } is not available for download in your country.
ຂໍອະໄພ, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ບໍ່ສາມາດດາວໂຫລດໄດ້ໃນປະເທດຂອງທ່ານ.
VPN for { -brand-name-windows }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit only)
{ -brand-name-windows } 10/11 (64-bit ເທົ່ານັ້ນ)
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-windows }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-windows }
VPN for { -brand-name-mac-short }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Install { -brand-name-firefox } extension
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Version { $version } and up
ເວີຊັນ { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-linux }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-linux }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-linux }
Ubuntu { $version } and up
Ubuntu { $version } ຂຶ້ນໄປ
VPN for { -brand-name-android }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-android }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-android }
VPN for { -brand-name-ios }
VPN ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } for { -brand-name-ios }
ດາວໂຫລດ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ສໍາລັບ { -brand-name-ios }
Get on { -brand-name-google-play } Store
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-google-play } Store
Get on { -brand-name-app-store }
ເຂົ້າໄປທີ່ { -brand-name-app-store }
Based on your current device
Get { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
ເອົາ { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Privacy you can trust
Also available for:
From the maker of { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses the advanced <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® protocol to encrypt your online activity and hide your location.
ຈາກຜູ້ຜະລິດຂອງ { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } ໃຊ້ <a href="{ $url }" { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-wireguard }</a>® ອະນຸສັນຍາເພື່ອເຂົ້າລະຫັດການເຄື່ອນໄຫວອອນໄລນ໌ ແລະ ເຊື່ອງສະຖານທີ່ຂອງທ່ານ.
We never log, track, or share your network data.
ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ເຄີຍບັນທຶກ, ຕິດຕາມ, ຫຼື ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນເຄືອຂ່າຍຂອງທ່ານ.
Download previous versions for { -brand-name-windows } and { -brand-name-mac-short }
ດາວໂຫຼດເວີຊັນກ່ອນໜ້ານີ້ສຳລັບ { -brand-name-windows } ແລະ { -brand-name-mac-short }
Features - { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Features that protect <br> your life online
More than { $servers } servers in { $countries }+ countries
See our list of servers.
Connect up to { $devices } devices
Supported on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Linux operating systems.
No bandwidth restrictions or throttling
Including no data cap or speed limit.
Fast network speeds even while gaming
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } uses <a { $wireguard }>Wireguard</a>™, one of the most performant VPN protocols.
Block advertisers from targeting you
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } helps you automatically block ads and ad trackers from seeing your online activity.
Encrypt all your internet traffic
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } protects all of the apps on your device, not just your browser.
Stronger malware protection
{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn } prevents you from downloading malware from known unsafe sources.
Super-private mode: route traffic through two locations
Our <a { $feature }>multi-hop feature</a> gives you an extra security boost.
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
No translations available.
No terms available.
DownloadAbout { -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }
Xikonixmati { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-mozilla-vpnfirefox }
Xikontemoui { -brand-name-firefox }