Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Get { -brand-name-firefox }, a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } or { -brand-name-linux }. { -brand-name-firefox } is a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.
Download the fastest { -brand-name-firefox } ever
Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new { -brand-name-firefox } is here.
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }
An even newer { -brand-name-firefox } is available. <a { $update_url }>Update to the latest version</a>
Get the browser that protects what’s important
Consigui'l restolador que protexe lo que ye importante
No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.
Fast, reliable and private — for peace of mind online.
Download options and other languages
Opciones de descarga y otres llingües
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } support
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>isn’t</strong> watching.
Fai lo que quieras en llinia.<br>El { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>nun</strong> t'escluca.
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } has got you <strong>covered</strong>.
How { -brand-name-firefox } compares to other browsers
Get all the speed and tools with none of the invasions of privacy. { -brand-name-firefox-browser } collects so little data about you, we don’t even require your email address to download. That’s because unlike other browsers, we have no financial stake in following you around the web.
How we compare to other browsers
Compare { -brand-name-firefox } to:
{ -brand-name-chrome }
{ -brand-name-edge }
{ -brand-name-safari }
Blocks third-party tracking cookies
Blocks third-party tracking cookies by default
Autoplay blocking
Blocks social trackers
OS availability
In-browser screenshot tool
Primary password
We block the ad trackers. You explore the internet faster.
Ads are distracting and make web pages load slower while their trackers watch every move you make online. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks most trackers automatically, so there’s no need to dig into your security settings.
See your protection report
{ -brand-name-firefox } is for everyone
{ -brand-name-firefox } ye pa tol mundu
Available in over 90 languages, and compatible with { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-linux } machines, { -brand-name-firefox } works no matter what you’re using or where you are. Make sure your operating system is up to date for the best experience.
Review system requirements
Put { -brand-name-firefox } on all your devices
Pon { -brand-name-firefox } en tolos preseos
Take your privacy with you everywhere. { -brand-name-firefox-browsers } for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } have the same strong privacy settings to block trackers from following you around the web, no matter where you are.
Do it <strong>all</strong> with { -brand-name-firefox }
Failo <strong>too</strong> con { -brand-name-firefox }
Search smarter, faster
Search from address bar
Search engine options
Smart search suggestions
Bookmark, history and open tab in results
Boost your productivity
Works with { -brand-name-google } products
Funciona colos productos de { -brand-name-google }
Built-in screenshot tool
Bookmarks manager
Autosuggest URLs
Download { -brand-name-firefox-browser } — Fast, Private & Free — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Download { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop — from { -brand-name-mozilla }
Get { -brand-name-firefox }, a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } or { -brand-name-linux }. { -brand-name-firefox } is a free web browser backed by { -brand-name-mozilla }, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy.
Download the fastest { -brand-name-firefox } ever
Faster page loading, less memory usage and packed with features, the new { -brand-name-firefox } is here.
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }
An even newer { -brand-name-firefox } is available. <a { $update_url }>Update to the latest version</a>
Get the browser that protects what’s important
Consigui'l restolador que protexe lo que ye importante
No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.
Fast, reliable and private — for peace of mind online.
Download options and other languages
Opciones de descarga y otres llingües
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser } support
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>isn’t</strong> watching.
Fai lo que quieras en llinia.<br>El { -brand-name-firefox-browser } <strong>nun</strong> t'escluca.
Do what you do online.<br> { -brand-name-firefox-browser } has got you <strong>covered</strong>.
How { -brand-name-firefox } compares to other browsers
Get all the speed and tools with none of the invasions of privacy. { -brand-name-firefox-browser } collects so little data about you, we don’t even require your email address to download. That’s because unlike other browsers, we have no financial stake in following you around the web.
How we compare to other browsers
Compare { -brand-name-firefox } to:
{ -brand-name-chrome }
{ -brand-name-edge }
{ -brand-name-safari }
Blocks third-party tracking cookies
Blocks third-party tracking cookies by default
Autoplay blocking
Blocks social trackers
OS availability
In-browser screenshot tool
Primary password
We block the ad trackers. You explore the internet faster.
Ads are distracting and make web pages load slower while their trackers watch every move you make online. The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks most trackers automatically, so there’s no need to dig into your security settings.
See your protection report
{ -brand-name-firefox } is for everyone
{ -brand-name-firefox } ye pa tol mundu
Available in over 90 languages, and compatible with { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-linux } machines, { -brand-name-firefox } works no matter what you’re using or where you are. Make sure your operating system is up to date for the best experience.
Review system requirements
Put { -brand-name-firefox } on all your devices
Pon { -brand-name-firefox } en tolos preseos
Take your privacy with you everywhere. { -brand-name-firefox-browsers } for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } have the same strong privacy settings to block trackers from following you around the web, no matter where you are.
Do it <strong>all</strong> with { -brand-name-firefox }
Failo <strong>too</strong> con { -brand-name-firefox }
Search smarter, faster
Search from address bar
Search engine options
Smart search suggestions
Bookmark, history and open tab in results
Boost your productivity
Works with { -brand-name-google } products
Funciona colos productos de { -brand-name-google }
Built-in screenshot tool
Bookmarks manager
Autosuggest URLs
Switch from { -brand-name-chrome } to { -brand-name-firefox } in just a few minutes
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free, because { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
Switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is fast, easy and risk-free. { -brand-name-firefox } imports your bookmarks, autofills, passwords and preferences from { -brand-name-chrome }.
Select what to take from { -brand-name-chrome }.
Let { -brand-name-firefox } do the rest.
You can use { -brand-name-firefox } and still have { -brand-name-chrome }. { -brand-name-chrome } won’t change on your machine one bit.
Spread the word about { -brand-name-firefox } and help your favorite people say goodbye to { -brand-name-chrome }.
Share with your friends how to switch to { -brand-name-firefox }
🔥 { -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. Try it out!
Switch to { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } makes switching from { -brand-name-chrome } really fast. I like it a lot, and you should try it.
Still not convinced that switching to { -brand-name-firefox } is easy?
Enjoy the web faster, all set up for you.
Download and switch
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