{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } is the blazing fast browser that offers cutting edge developer tools and latest features like CSS Grid support and framework debugging
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }
Welcome to your new favorite browser. Get the latest features, fast performance, and the development tools you need to build for the open web.
Speak up
Feedback makes us better. Tell us how we can improve the browser and Developer tools.
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Get involved
Help build the last independent browser. Write code, fix bugs, make add-ons, and more.
Start now
Design. Code. Test. Refine.
Build and Perfect your sites<br> with { -brand-name-firefox-devtools }
Inspect and refine code to build pixel-perfect layouts.
Learn more about Page Inspector
Track CSS, JavaScript, security and network issues.
Learn more about Web Console
Powerful JavaScript debugger with support for your framework.
Learn more about JavaScript Debugger
Monitor network requests that can slow or block your site.
Learn more about Network Monitor
Storage panel
Add, modify and remove cache, cookies, databases and session data.
Learn more about Storage Panel
Responsive Design Mode
Test sites on emulated devices in your browser.
Learn more about Responsive Design View
Visual Editing
Edición visual
Fine-tune animations, alignment and padding.
Learn more about Visual Editing
Unblock bottlenecks, streamline processes, optimize assets.
Learn more about Performance Tools
Find memory leaks and make your application zippy.
Learn more about Memory Tools
Style Editor
Editor d'estilos
Edit and manage all your CSS stylesheets in your browser.
Learn more about Style Editor
New Tools
Ferramientes nueves
Inactive CSS
{ -brand-name-firefox-devtools } now grays out CSS declarations that don’t have an effect on the page. When you hover over the info icon, you’ll see a useful message about why the CSS is not being applied, including a hint about how to fix the problem.
{ -brand-name-firefox-devtools }
{ -brand-name-firefox-devtools }
The new { -brand-name-firefox-devtools } are powerful, flexible, and best of all, hackable. This includes a best-in-class JavaScript debugger, which can target multiple browsers and is built in React and Redux.
Master CSS Grid
Built for Developers
Innovative Features
Carauterístiques innovadores
{ -brand-name-facebook-container } for { -brand-name-firefox } | Prevent { -brand-name-facebook } from seeing what websites you visit.
{ -brand-name-facebook-container } pa { -brand-name-firefox } | Evita que { -brand-name-facebook } escluque los sitios que visites.
Millions of people around the world trust { -brand-name-firefox } Web browsers on { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-ios } and desktop computers. Fast. Private. Download now!
{ -brand-name-facebook }. Well contained. Keep the rest of your life to yourself.
Get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension
Download { -brand-name-firefox } and get the { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension
The { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension is currently only available for { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop.
{ -brand-name-firefox-browser }
Visit <a href="{ $url }">{ $link_copy }</a> to get { -brand-name-firefox } for Desktop.
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios } now.
Opt out on your terms
{ -brand-name-facebook } can track almost all your web activity and tie it to your { -brand-name-facebook } identity. If that’s too much for you, the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">{ -brand-name-facebook-container } extension</a> isolates your identity into a separate container tab, making it harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to track you on the web outside of { -brand-name-facebook }.
Install and contain
Instala y aislla
Installing the <a href="{ $fbcontainer }">extension</a> is easy and, once activated, will open { -brand-name-facebook } in a blue tab each time you use it. Use and enjoy { -brand-name-facebook } normally. { -brand-name-facebook } will still be able to send you advertising and recommendations on their site, but it will be much harder for { -brand-name-facebook } to use your activity collected <strong>off { -brand-name-facebook }</strong> to send you ads and other targeted messages.
About { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-mozilla }
Tocante a { -brand-name-firefox } y { -brand-name-mozilla }
We’re backed by <a href="{ $mozilla }">{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, the not-for-profit organization that puts people over profit to give everyone more power online. We created this extension because we believe that you should have easy-to-use tools that help you manage your privacy and security.
Browse freely with { -brand-name-firefox } today.