{ -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-ios }
Take a browse on the wild side.
Restola pel llau salvaxe.
Be among the first to explore future releases of { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.
Sé de los primeros n'esplorar les versiones en desendolcu de { -brand-name-firefox } pa escritoriu, { -brand-name-android } ya { -brand-name-ios }.
See something that isn’t working? Let us know.
¿Ves daqué que nun funciona? Coméntanoslo.
File a bug now
Informar agora d'un fallu
Tips for filing a bug
Conseyos pa informar fallos
Try New Features in a Pre-Release { -brand-name-android } Browser | { -brand-name-firefox }
Prueba les novedaes na versión de prellanzamientu del restolador p'{ -brand-name-android } | { -brand-name-firefox }
Download and test future releases of { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }.
Baxa y prueba les versiones en desendolcu de { -brand-name-firefox } pa escritoriu, { -brand-name-android } ya { -brand-name-ios }.
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Install now!
Esperimenta les útlimes novedaes nuna versión de prellanzamientu del restolador p'{ -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta } y { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Instálalos agora!
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta }, { -brand-name-firefox-aurora } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Install now!
Esperimenta les últimes novedaes nuna versión prellanzamientu del restolador p'{ -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-beta }, { -brand-name-firefox-aurora } y { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Instálalos agora!
Download and test the latest { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } features with { -brand-name-aurora }, { -brand-name-beta } and { -brand-name-nightly } builds.
Baxa y prueba lo último de { -brand-name-firefox } p'{ -brand-name-android } coles versiones { -brand-name-aurora }, { -brand-name-beta } y { -brand-name-nightly }.
Try the latest { -brand-name-android } features, before they get released to the rest of the world.
Prueba lo último d'{ -brand-name-android } enantes de llanzalo al restu del mundu.
All Languages and Platforms
Toles llingües y plataformes
All Languages and Builds
Toles llingües y versiones
{ -brand-name-beta } is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, { -brand-name-beta } sends data to { -brand-name-mozilla } — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. <a href="{ $link }">Learn what is shared</a>.
{ -brand-name-beta } ye una plataforma de desendolcu y pruebes inestable. Por defeutu, { -brand-name-beta } unvia datos a { -brand-name-mozilla }, y a vegaes a los nuesos socios, p'ayudanos a remanar los problemes y probar idees. <a href="{ $link }">Llei lo que se comparte</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }.
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta } unvia automáticamente información a { -brand-name-mozilla }.
<a rel="external" href="{ $feedback }">Give us feedback</a> to help us put the final tweaks on performance and functionality in a stable environment.
<a rel="external" href="{ $feedback }">Opina</a> p'ayudanos a dar los últimos axustes de rindimientu y funcionalidá nun entornu estable.
Check out new { -brand-name-android } features in their earliest stages. Enjoy at your own risk.
Comprueba les novedaes p'{ -brand-name-android } nes sos etapes más tempranes. Esfruta baxo'l to propiu riesgu.
{ -brand-name-nightly } Blog
Blogue de { -brand-name-nightly }
{ -brand-name-nightly } is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, { -brand-name-nightly } sends data to { -brand-name-mozilla } — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. <a href="{ $link }">Learn what is shared</a>.
{ -brand-name-nightly } ye una plataforma de desendolcu y pruebes inestable. Por defeutu, { -brand-name-nightly } unvia datos a { -brand-name-mozilla }, y a vegaes a los nuesos socios, p'ayudanos a remanar los problemes y probar idees. <a href="{ $link }">Llei lo que se comparte</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }.
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly } unvia automáticamente información a { -brand-name-mozilla }.
Try New Browser Features in Pre-Release Versions | { -brand-name-firefox }
Prueba les novedaes del restolador nes versiones de prellanzamientu | { -brand-name-firefox }
Experience cutting-edge browser features in pre-release versions: { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-firefox-beta } and { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. Download now!
Esperimenta les últimes novedaes nes versiones de prellanzamientu: { -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-firefox-beta } y { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }. ¡Báxales agora!
Download and test the latest { -brand-name-firefox } for desktop features with { -brand-name-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-beta } and { -brand-name-nightly } builds.
Baxa y prueba lo último de { -brand-name-firefox } pa escritoriu coles versiones { -brand-name-developer-edition }, { -brand-name-beta } y { -brand-name-nightly }.
{ -brand-name-beta }
{ -brand-name-beta }
Test about-to-be-released features in the most stable pre-release build.
Prueba les carauterístiques por llanzar na versión más estable de prellanzamientu.
Release Notes
Notes de la versión
Previous { -brand-name-nightly } Builds
Versiones anterior de { -brand-name-nightly }
{ -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-developer-edition }
Build, test, scale and more with the only browser built just for developers.
Constrúi, prueba, escala y fai más col únicu restolador fechu pa desendolcadores.
{ -brand-name-developer-edition } is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, { -brand-name-developer-edition } sends data to { -brand-name-mozilla } — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. <a href="{ $link }">Learn what is shared</a>.
{ -brand-name-developer-edition } ye una plataforma inestable de desendolcu y pruebes. Por defeutu, { -brand-name-developer-edition } unvia datos a { -brand-name-mozilla }, y a vegaes a los nuesos socios, p'ayudanos a remanar los problemes y probar idees. <a href="{ $link }">Llei lo que se comparte</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } automatically sends feedback to { -brand-name-mozilla }.
{ -brand-name-firefox-developer-edition } unvia automáticamente información a { -brand-name-mozilla }.
{ -brand-name-nightly }
{ -brand-name-nightly }
Get a sneak peek at our next generation web browser, and help us make it the best browser it can be: try { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }.
Écha-y un güeyu al futuru del nuesu restolador y ayúdanos a convertilu nel meyor. Prueba { -brand-name-firefox-nightly }.
Test brand new features daily (or… nightly). Enjoy at your own risk.
Prueba les novedaes caldía (o… pela nueche). Esfruta baxo'l to propiu riesgu.
Try New Features in a Pre-Release { -brand-name-ios } Browser | { -brand-name-firefox }
Prueba les novedaes na versión de prellanzamientu del restolador pa { -brand-name-ios } | { -brand-name-firefox }
Experience cutting-edge features in a pre-release browser for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program. Install now!
Esperimenta les últimes novedaes nuna versión de prellanzamientu del restolador pa { -brand-name-ios } pel programa { -brand-name-test-flight } d'{ -brand-name-apple }. ¡Instalála agora!
Test beta versions of { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program and help make our mobile browser for { -brand-name-iphone }, { -brand-name-ipad } and iPod touch even better.
Prueba les versiones beta de { -brand-name-firefox } pa { -brand-name-ios } pel programa { -brand-name-test-flight } d'{ -brand-name-apple } y ayúdanos a facer que'l nuesu restolador pa { -brand-name-iphone }, { -brand-name-ipad } y iPod touch seya tovía meyor.
{ -brand-name-test-flight }
{ -brand-name-test-flight }
Test beta versions of { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios } via { -brand-name-apple }’s { -brand-name-test-flight } program.
Prueba les versiones beta de { -brand-name-firefox } pa { -brand-name-ios } pel programa { -brand-name-test-flight } d'{ -brand-name-apple }.
Sign up now
Aniciar sesión agora
Note: { -brand-name-firefox-nightly } will update approximately once or twice a day.
No terms available.