• Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Comprueba que la URL seya correuta y volvi tentalo, por favor.

  • The file %S cannot be found. Please check the location and try again.

    Nun pue atopase'l ficheru %S. Comprueba l'allugamientu y volvi tentalo, por favor.

  • The file at %S is not readable.

    El ficheru en %S nun ye lleíble.

  • %S might have a temporary problem or it could have moved.

  • %S sent back an error.

  • %S could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

    Nun pudo atopase %S. Comprueba'l nome y volvi tentalo, por favor.

  • One of the following (%S) is not a registered protocol or is not allowed in this context.

    Unu de los protocolos de darréu (%S) nun ta rexistráu o nun ta permitíu nesti contestu.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact %S.

    Refugóse la conexón al tentar de ponese en contautu con %S.

  • Someone pretending to be the site could try to steal your info. Your connection settings could also be set up incorrectly.

  • The connection to %S has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred.

    La conexón a %S terminó inesperadamente. Quiciabes se tresfirieren dalgunos datos.

  • The operation timed out when attempting to contact %S.

    La operación escosó'l tiempu d'espera al tentar de ponese en contautu con %S.

  • Redirection limit for this URL exceeded. Unable to load the requested page. This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.

    Perpasóse la llende de redireiciones pa esta URL. Nun ye posible cargar la páxina solicitada. Esto pue causalo que les cookies tean bloquiaes.

  • To display this page, the application must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.

    P'amosar esta páxina, l'aplicación ha unviar información que va repitir cualesquier aición (como una busca o la confirmación d'un pidíu) que se ficiere enantes.

  • Resend

    Volver unviar

  • This document cannot be displayed unless you install the Personal Security Manager (PSM). Download and install PSM and try again, or contact your system administrator.

    Esti documentu nun pue amosase sacante qu'instales un Xestor de Seguranza Personal (PSM). Báxalu ya instálalu y volvi tentalo, o ponte en contautu col alministrador del sistema.

  • The document contains no data.

    El documentu nun contién datos.

  • This document is no longer available.

    Esti documentu yá nun ta disponible.

  • This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.

    Esti documentu nun pue amosase mentanto teas ensin conexón. Pa conectate, desmarca la opción «Trabayar ensin conexón» del menú «Ficheru».

  • The document cannot change while Printing or in Print Preview.

    El documentu nun pue camudar mentanto s'imprenta o previsualiza.

  • Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.

    Desactivóse l'accesu al puertu apurríu por motivos de seguranza.

  • The proxy server you have configured could not be found. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    El sirvidor proxy nun pudo configurase o atopase. Comprueba los axustes del proxy y volvi tentalo, por favor.

  • The connection was refused when attempting to contact the proxy server you have configured. Please check your proxy settings and try again.

    Refugóse la conexón al tentar de ponese en contautu col sirvidor proxy que tienes configuráu. Comprueba los axustes del proxy y volvi tentalo, por favor.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    La páxina que tentes de ver nun pue amosase porque usa una forma de compresión que nun ye válida o nun ta sofitada.

  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it is contained in a file type that may not be safe to open. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    La páxina que tentes de ver nun pue amosase porque ta nun tipu de ficheru que podría nun ser seguro abrir. Ponte en contautu colos propietarios del sitiu web pa informalos d'esti problema.

  • The site at %S has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Informóse que'l sitiu de %S ye un sitiu atacador y bloquióse según les tos preferencies de seguranza.

  • The site at %S has been reported as a potentially harmful site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Informóse que'l sitiu de %S ye potencialmente peligrosu y bloquióse según les tos preferencies de seguranza.

  • The site at %S has been reported as serving unwanted software and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Informóse que'l sitiu de %S sirve software indeseáu y bloquióse según les tos preferencies de seguranza.

  • This web page at %S has been reported as a deceptive site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Informóse que la páxina web de %S ye engañosa y bloquióse según les tos preferencies de seguranza.

  • This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

    Esta páxina tien una política de seguranza del conteníu qu'evita que se cargue d'esti mou.

  • This page has an X-Frame-Options policy that prevents it from being loaded in this context.

    Esta páxina tien una política X-Frame-Options qu'evita que se cargue nesti contestu.

  • The site at %S has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    El sitiu de %S esperimentó un incumplimientu del protocolu de rede que nun pue solucionase.

  • The safety of your data on %S could not be guaranteed because it uses SSLv3, a broken security protocol.

    Nun pue garantizase la seguranza de los tos datos en %S porque usa SSLv3, un protocolu de seguranza inseguru.

  • The owner of %S has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, the connection to this website has not been established.

    El propietariu de %S nun configuró afayadizamente'l so sitiu web. Pa protexer la to información escontra'l robu, nun s'afitó la conexón web a esti sitiu.

  • The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.

    El sítiu web tentó de negociar un nivel de seguranza que nun ye afayadizu.

  • Your organization has blocked access to this page or website.

    La to organización bloquió l'accesu a esta páxina o sitiu web.

  • Firefox has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.

    Firefox esperimentó un incumplimientu del protocolu de rede que nun pue solucionase.

  • %S (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

  • %S (%S Image)

  • (%S Image, %S × %S pixels)

  • (%S Image)

  • %S (%S Object)

  • (%S Object)

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

  • The image %S cannot be displayed because it requires unsupported features.

  • Scaled (%S%%)

  • %S %S

    %S %S

  • %1$d


  • %1$d of %2$d

    %1$d de %2$d

  • Print To File

  • Printer Error

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

Comprueba que la URL seya correuta y volvi tentalo, por favor.
  • Enol

    Comprueba que la URL seya correuta y volvi tentalo, por favor.

No terms available.

  • 100%

    Please check that the URL is correct and try again.

    Comprueba que la URL seya correuta y volvi tentalo, por favor.