• Debugging - Setup

    Depuración - Configuración

  • Debugging - Runtime / { $selectedRuntimeId }

    Depuración - Entornu d'execución / { $selectedRuntimeId }

  • This { -brand-shorter-name }

    Esti { -brand-shorter-name }

  • { about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }

    { about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }

  • Setup


  • USB enabled

    L'USB ta activáu

  • USB disabled

    L'USB ta desactiváu

  • Connected

  • Disconnected

  • No devices discovered

    Nun se descubrieron preseos

  • Connect


  • Connecting


  • Connection failed

    La conexón falló

  • Connection still pending, check for messages on the target browser

  • Connection timed out

  • Waiting for browser

    Esperando pol restolador

  • Unplugged

    Ensin espatar

  • { $displayName } ({ $deviceName })

    { $displayName } ({ $deviceName })

  • { $displayName }

    { $displayName }

  • Debugging Support

    Sofitu pa la depuración

  • Help icon

    Iconu d'ayuda

  • Refresh devices

    Refrescar los preseos

  • Setup


  • Configure the connection method you wish to remotely debug your device with.

    Configura'l métodu de conexón col que quies depurar remotamente'l to preséu.

  • Use <a>{ about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }</a> to debug extensions and service workers on this version of { -brand-shorter-name }.

  • Connect a Device

    Conexón d'un preséu

  • USB


  • Enabling this will download and add the required Android USB debugging components to { -brand-shorter-name }.

    Activar esto va baxar y amestar los componentes riquíos de depuración per USB d'Android en { -brand-shorter-name }.

  • Enable USB Devices

    Activar los preseos USB

  • Disable USB Devices

    Desactivar los preseos USB

  • Updating


  • Enabled


  • Disabled

  • Updating


  • Enable Developer menu on your Android device.

    Activa'l menú pa desendolcadores nel preséu Android.

  • Enable USB Debugging in the Android Developer Menu.

    Activa la depuración per USB nel menú pa desendolcadores d'Android.

  • Enable file transfer and ensure that your device is not in charging-only mode.

  • Enable USB Debugging in Firefox on the Android device.

    Activa la depuración per USB en Firefox p'Android

  • Connect the Android device to your computer.

    Conecta'l preséu Android al ordenador.

  • Problems connecting to the USB device? <a>Troubleshoot</a>

    ¿Tienes problemes pa conectate per USB? <a>Ígualos</a>

  • Network Location

  • Problems connecting via network location? <a>Troubleshoot</a>

    ¿Tienes problemes pa conectate per rede? <a>Ígualos</a>

  • Add


  • No network locations have been added yet.

    Entá nun s'amestaron allugamientos de rede.

  • Host


  • Remove


  • Invalid host { $host-value }. The expected format is hostname:portnumber.

  • The host { $host-value } is already registered

    L'agospiador «{ $host-value }» yá ta rexistráu

  • Temporary Extensions

    Estensiones temporales

  • Extensions


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • Firefox


  • Mozilla


  • Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marques rexistraes de Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox


  • Firefox


  • Mozilla Firefox

    Mozilla Firefox

  • About { -brand-full-name }

    Tocante a { -brand-full-name }

  • Whats new


  • Check for updates

    Comprobar los anovamientos

  • Restart to Update { -brand-shorter-name }

    Reaniciar p'anovar { -brand-shorter-name }

  • Checking for updates

    Comprobando los anovamientos

  • <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    <img data-l10n-name="icon"/>Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Downloading update <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

    Baxando l'anovamientu <label data-l10n-name="download-status">{ $transfer }</label>

  • Applying update

    Aplicando l'anovamientu

  • Update failed. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Download the latest version</label>

    L'anovamientu falló. <label data-l10n-name="failed-link">Baxa la última versión</label>

  • Update failed. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Download the latest version</a>

    L'anovamientu falló. <a data-l10n-name="failed-link-main">Baxa la última versión</a>

  • Updates disabled by your system administrator

    L'alministrador del sistema desactivó los anovamientos

  • Updates disabled by your organization

    Los anovamientos tan desactivaos pola to organización

  • { -brand-short-name } is up to date

    { -brand-short-name } ta anováu

  • Failed to check for updates.

    Error al comprobar anovamientos.

  • { -brand-short-name } is being updated by another instance

    Otra instancia ta anovando { -brand-short-name }

  • Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • Updates available at <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

    Hai anovamientos disponibles en <a data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</a>

  • You can not perform further updates on this system. <label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Learn more</label>

    Yá nun pues anovar más nesti sistema.<label data-l10n-name="unsupported-link">Lleer más</label>

  • Restarting


  • Unable to check for updates due to internal error. Updates available at <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

    Error al comprobar anovamientos por un error internu. Hai anovamientos disponibles en <label data-l10n-name="manual-link">{ $displayUrl }</label>

  • You are currently on the <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label> update channel.

    Anguaño tas na canal d'anovamientos <label data-l10n-name="current-channel">{ $channel }</label>.

  • { -brand-short-name } is experimental and may be unstable.

    { -brand-short-name } ye esperimental y pue ser inestable.

  • { -brand-product-name } Help

    Ayuda de { -brand-product-name }

  • Submit Feedback


  • <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> ye una <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • { -brand-short-name } is designed by <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, a <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.

    { -brand-short-name } ta diseñáu por <label data-l10n-name="community-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label>, una <label data-l10n-name="community-creditsLink">comunidá global</label> que trabaya xunida pa caltener la web abierta, pública y accesible pa tol mundu.

  • Want to help? <label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Make a donation</label> or <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">get involved!</label>

    ¿Quies ayudar? ¡<label data-l10n-name="helpus-donateLink">Fai una donación</label> o <label data-l10n-name="helpus-getInvolvedLink">andecha</label>!

  • Licensing Information

    Información de la llicencia

  • End-User Rights

    Derechos del usuariu final

  • Terms of Use

  • Privacy Policy

    Política de privacidá

  • Privacy Notice

  • { $version } ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits }-bit)

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $bits } bits)

  • { $version } ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $arch })

  • { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

    { $version } ({ $isodate }) ({ $arch })

  • Logins & Passwords

    Cuentes y contraseñes

  • Search Logins

    Buscar anicios de sesión

  • Create new login

    Crear un aniciu de sesión

  • Passwords


Debugging - Setup

Depuración - Configuración
  • Enol

    Depuración - Configuración

  • debugverbTranslate


    Identify and remove errors from computer sofware

    E.G.Turning this on will allow you to debug add-ons

  • 100%

    Debugging - Setup

    Depuración - Configuración