{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
No translations available.
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
{ -brand-name-firefox-focus }: The privacy browser
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Free – In { -brand-name-google-play }
Free – In the { -brand-name-app-store }
App store download
Download Now
Descargar-lo agora
Free Download
Baixa-lo de gratis
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> { -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }
Supported Devices
Dispositivos compatibles
What’s New
Qué bi ha de nuevo?
Systems & Languages
Sistemas operativos y luengas
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } no longer provides security updates for { -brand-name-firefox } on { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } or { -brand-name-vista }</a>, but you can still download the final { -brand-name-windows } 32-bit version below.
<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-mozilla } ya no ofreix actualizacions de seguranza pa lo { -brand-name-firefox } en { -brand-name-windows } { -brand-name-xp } u { -brand-name-vista }</a>, pero puet seguir baixando la versión final pa { -brand-name-windows } de 32 bits aquí baixo.
Please follow <a href="{ $url }">these instructions</a> to install { -brand-name-firefox }.
Siga <a href="{ $url }">estas instruccions</a> pa instalar { -brand-name-firefox }.
Your system doesn’t meet the <a href="{ $url }">requirements</a> to run { -brand-name-firefox }.
O tuyo sistema no tiene os <a href="{ $url }">requerimientos</a> ta fer andar { -brand-name-firefox }.
{ -brand-name-firefox } for Other Platforms & Languages
{ -brand-name-firefox } pa atras plataformas y luengas
Update your { -brand-name-firefox }
Esviella o tuyo { -brand-name-firefox }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }
Baixa-te o { -brand-name-firefox } ta { -brand-name-android }
Get { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-ios }
Descarga-te lo { -brand-name-firefox } pa l'{ -brand-name-ios }
Get it on { -brand-name-google-play }
Instala-lo de gratis dende { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free on { -brand-name-google-play }
Baixa-lo de baldes en { -brand-name-google-play }
Get it free from the { -brand-name-app-store }
Instala-lo de gratis dende l'{ -brand-name-app-store }
Download on the { -brand-name-app-store }
Baixa-te-lo en l'{ -brand-name-app-store }
Download { -brand-name-firefox }
Descargar lo { -brand-name-firefox }
Your system may not meet the requirements for { -brand-name-firefox }, but you can try one of these versions:
Lo suyo sistema no cumple con os requisitos d'o { -brand-name-firefox }, pero puede prebar beluna d'istas versions:
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-beta }</span> pa { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-aurora }</span> pa { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox-nightly }</span> pa { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> pa { -brand-name-android }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> for { -brand-name-ios }
<span>{ -brand-name-firefox }</span> ta { -brand-name-ios }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy
Privacidat d'o { -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox } Privacy Notice
Aviso de privacidat de { -brand-name-firefox }
{ $channel_name } is <a href="{ $help_url }">no longer supported</a> on { $os_version } and below.
Please download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } (Extended Support Release) to use { -brand-name-firefox }.
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr }
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 32-bit
Download { -brand-name-firefox-esr } 64-bit
Download a different build
Download for Linux 32-bit
Download for Linux 64-bit
Using Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian-based distribution?<br> You can set up our <a { $attrs }>APT repository instead</a>.
Get it from Microsoft
Share how you discovered { -brand-name-firefox } and that you use it with { -brand-name-mozilla }’s marketing technology partners. This data is never sold or used to show you ads. <a { $attrs }>Learn how we use the data</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-firefox }
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Manifesto
Privacy Hub
{ -brand-name-mozilla } Blog
Browser Comparison
Brand Standards
{ -brand-name-enterprise }
{ -brand-name-enterprise }
{ -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-developer-edition }
{ -brand-name-beta }
{ -brand-name-beta }
{ -brand-name-nightly }
{ -brand-name-nightly }
{ -brand-name-nightly } for { -brand-name-android }
{ -brand-name-beta } for { -brand-name-android }
Visit <a { $moco_link }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }’s</a> not-for-profit parent, the <a { $mofo_link }>{ -brand-name-mozilla-foundation }</a>.
Portions of this content are ©1998–{ $current_year } by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a <a rel="license" href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-creative-commons } license</a>.
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Press Center
Centro de prensa
Product Help
File a Bug
Localize { -brand-name-mozilla }
Community Participation Guidelines
Website Privacy Notice
Aspectos legals
{ -brand-name-mastodon }
{ -brand-name-instagram }
{ -brand-name-instagram }
{ -brand-name-youtube }
{ -brand-name-youtube }
{ -brand-name-linkedin }
{ -brand-name-tiktok }
{ -brand-name-spotify }
Follow @{ -brand-name-mozilla }
Follow @{ -brand-name-firefox }
About this site
Advertise with { -brand-name-mozilla }
History of the { -brand-name-mozilla } Project
The { -brand-name-mozilla } project was <a href="{ $coderush }">created in 1998</a> with the <a href="{ $sourcerelease }">release of the { -brand-name-netscape } browser suite source code</a>.
It was intended to harness the creative power of thousands of programmers on the internet and fuel unprecedented levels of innovation in the browser market.
Within the <a href="{ $firstyear }">first year</a>, new community members from around the world had already contributed new functionality, enhanced existing features and became engaged in the management and planning of the project itself.
By creating an open community, the { -brand-name-mozilla } project had become <a href="{ $stevecase }">larger than any one company</a>.
Community members got involved and expanded the scope of the project’s <a href="{ $mission }">original mission</a> — instead of just working on { -brand-name-netscape }’s next browser, people started creating <a href="{ $browsers }">a variety of browsers</a>, <a href="{ $bugzilla }">development tools</a> and a range of other <a href="{ $projects }">projects</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browser
No translations available.
No terms available.
{ -brand-name-firefox }: Private, Safe Browsercy Notice
Aviso de privacidat de { -brand-name-firefox }