Debugging - Setup
No translations available.
Debugging - Setup
Debugging - Runtime / { $selectedRuntimeId }
This { -brand-shorter-name }
{ about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }
USB enabled
USB disabled
No devices discovered
Connection failed
Connection still pending, check for messages on the target browser
Connection timed out
Waiting for browser…
{ $displayName } ({ $deviceName })
{ $displayName }
Debugging Support
Help icon
Refresh devices
Configure the connection method you wish to remotely debug your device with.
Use <a>{ about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }</a> to debug extensions and service workers on this version of { -brand-shorter-name }.
Connect a Device
Enabling this will download and add the required Android USB debugging components to { -brand-shorter-name }.
Enable USB Devices
Disable USB Devices
Enable Developer menu on your Android device.
Enable USB Debugging in the Android Developer Menu.
Enable file transfer and ensure that your device is not in charging-only mode.
Enable USB Debugging in Firefox on the Android device.
Connect the Android device to your computer.
Problems connecting to the USB device? <a>Troubleshoot</a>
Network Location
Problems connecting via network location? <a>Troubleshoot</a>
No network locations have been added yet.
Invalid host “{ $host-value }”. The expected format is “hostname:portnumber”.
The host “{ $host-value }” is already registered
Temporary Extensions
Welcome to the $BrandFullNameDA Setup Wizard
This wizard will guide you through the installation of $BrandFullNameDA.\n\nIt is recommended that you close all other applications before starting Setup. This will make it possible to update relevant system files without having to reboot your computer.\n\n$_CLICK
Choose Components
Choose which features of $BrandFullNameDA you want to install.
Position your mouse over a component to see its description.
Choose Install Location
Choose the folder in which to install $BrandFullNameDA.
Please wait while $BrandFullNameDA is being installed.
Installation Complete
Setup was completed successfully.
Installation Aborted
Setup was not completed successfully.
Completing the $BrandFullNameDA Setup Wizard
$BrandFullNameDA has been installed on your computer.\n\nClick Finish to close this wizard.
Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the installation of $BrandFullNameDA. Do you want to reboot now?
Reboot now
Peu Udep klayi jinoe
I want to manually reboot later
Choose Start Menu Folder
Choose a Start Menu folder for the $BrandFullNameDA shortcuts.
Select the Start Menu folder in which you would like to create the program’s shortcuts. You can also enter a name to create a new folder.
Are you sure you want to quit $BrandFullName Setup?
Welcome to the $BrandFullNameDA Uninstall Wizard
This wizard will guide you through the uninstallation of $BrandFullNameDA.\n\nBefore starting the uninstallation, make sure $BrandFullNameDA is not running.\n\n$_CLICK
Uninstall $BrandFullNameDA
Remove $BrandFullNameDA from your computer.
Please wait while $BrandFullNameDA is being uninstalled.
Uninstallation Complete
Uninstall was completed successfully.
Uninstallation Aborted
Uninstall was not completed successfully.
Completing the $BrandFullNameDA Uninstall Wizard
$BrandFullNameDA has been uninstalled from your computer.\n\nClick Finish to close this wizard.
Your computer must be restarted in order to complete the uninstallation of $BrandFullNameDA. Do you want to reboot now?
Are you sure you want to quit $BrandFullName Uninstall?
Debugging - Setup
No translations available.
Identify and remove errors from computer sofware
E.G.Turning this on will allow you to debug add-ons